Who's the bigger cunt? Opie, Jim or Sam?

8  2018-03-14 by Stankysnatch82

Instinctively id say Opie, but now that he's a redundant hermit tweeting to annoy people that he's still breathing "unfortunately". The other messes Jim and Sam have become way more obnoxious , Jim with his virtue signalling for all things queer and flavour of the month identity politics and his predictable fisting, cum, tranny and sex with black men jokes and when that fails go to the overused chip character that your so desperate to make a thing.

Then there is Sam the rat faced cunt with his unearned confidence for thinking he got a radio gig because of "Talent" and not just being an ass kissing leech to his former boss worming his way into a room to get a second of airtime. How the fuck does someone as hideously looking as him have the nerve to even talk shit to anyone is beyond me.

There show is dogshit, nothing but two entitled ill informed fucks that do ZERO "prep" work about the most boring of topics they yap on about simply because they believe there irreplaceable .

I cannot wait until there show is axed and Sam is doing a podcast from his bedroom to an audience of wrestling DOLLS, that is until he finds someone else to suck up to.



Even Opie can't match Sam's uselessness. I've hated that fuckin troll since the first time i heard his voice. I honestly haven't listened to the show but i heard the chip podcast for the first time and Jim and tranpa still seem to be funny

With a shred of power, Opie turns into the biggest tyrant of shit ever. Yes, Jim and Sam are shit, but Opie actively turned radio gold served up on a silver platter into shit. HE WENT TO THE FUCKING PHONES WHEN COLIN, PATRICE AND LOUIS CK WERE SITTING ACROSS FROM HIM.

yeah but jim kicked norm out for a ufc fighter because he got slammed at a roast

fuck jimzy

Jim and Sam make a shit show. Opie tried his damndest for years to make a good show shit wherever he could. He is and always will be the biggest cunt in the OA universe. Possibly the universe.

Opie, get your head in the game.

I hope when I’m 45 I’m not on Reddit discussing which man is a bigger cunt... or photoshopping a picture lol

I hope i'm not 45 on Reddit using the word lol like a 13 yr old girl whilst messaging a friend.

Nd obviously it’s opie

Opie was the only man to bring in someone smart to work with, Vic Henley. He also brought in the biggest fool I have ever heard Sherrod Small. Opie walks through the Streets preaching against Hate while he acts like a complete Asshole.
They all be cunts, but I like Opie's fuck the world attitude.

Blackbeard checking in. Fuck Opie and his delusional narcissism that you call a fuck the world attitude.

Jim and Sam are intentional narcissists playing the corporate game for their ego gratification. Opie is obviously delusional and lacks self awareness which I find so much more interesting. He's insane without being a sexual deviant... like Ant and Jimmy are. Opie is an Asshole where as Jim and Ant are Creepy.

Jim. Sam is easily the most annoying of the bunch, and what hasnt been said about Opie.

I am so fucking sick of Jim and his pontification.

Opie is the Goat cunt. But Jim has become a self important bitch on his phone during interviews and doing a UFC podcast with no attempt in learning anything about the sport.

Someone should just abruptly stop the flow when Jim gets on his phone: "Oh I'm sorry I'm not interesting enough, I understand what I'm saying is boring. Please interject with whatever it is you were doing on your phone, because it'll improve the show." And that's when a mug is thrown at his head a la Big Lebowski.

From biggest cunt to smallest cunt.

Current Opie > Current Jim > Current Sam

Old Opie > Old Sam > Old Jim


No lol ur a 35 yo faggot clearly.


You lol you waste your time posting about three 4 men who will never know u exist lol. 35 yo faggot. When u find a wife I hope you have a great life have kids and then your wife dies of ovarian cancer

Says the faggot that's on here posting about them too, even using there insults, disappear you bitter cunt and come back when you have an original thought.

Stanky snatch votes is on his I’m more intelligent than you rick an morty shit fam jam

Lol who writes a 3 paragraph Reddit post. He should talk about his moms ovarian cancer if he wants to make us laugh


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Opie has never really done anything heinous, he's just an asshole.

That's why i like him though. Without Opie, no O&A.

Opie cunty Cunt, Sam annoying Cunt and Jimmy cocksucker cunt.

Sam shouldn't be a host, but I always thought Norton was a dick for the JV and Elvis fight, then Jim showed he wasn't loyal to Opie or Anthony later. I also thought he was trying to use Jesse Ventura to get publicity, even though I'm not a Ventura fan.