Tss Stephen Hawking

11  2018-03-14 by Phantas_Magorical

What is he flying up to heaven or somethin

You go


More like Stephen Cockring.

This is sorta stolen from Anthony who called our hero M Johnny Cockring.

his last words (typed) were "Jews run the medoiaojhbijaiobbbbbbvvvvvvvv....."

his last words were REPLACE BATTERY NOW or somethin. tss.

Little mugs dead tss tss

yeah, like a dead bird or somethhin, right Chippah!

How do they know he's dead? Maybe he just doesn't feel like typin today.

Or hawkin loogies in Joe's mouth

Ya got your Hawking, ya gotta Falcone,like my mudder said birds of a feather flock together. Tss.