I’d rather watch cement dry

5  2018-03-14 by thedude831


Can we use this opportunity to mark all attendees to be the first to go on the day of the rope?

Wonder if Sam realizes nobody is going just because he will be there

This is actually a funny poster

This over exposure will soon lead to the downfall of Travis. I like the guy but being in the spotlight always ends bad in the o and a universe.

Start filling your molotov cocktails now.

Travis and his cunt wife both suck and have always sucked.

Is the wife bringing the big fat tits?

Still with that Teft shit I see

Jim fucked mrs teft lol

Hate to be a contrarian but I think that’s a bad ass poster

I hope they've carved out a big role in the live show for Mary Jean. She's so talented and funny.

Did anyone hear Jim make it a point to say, " and anyone who DOUBTED the Jim and Sam Show...". He posted something on twitter too. Shit, this sub can sell it 100 free seats in a couple of hours. Jim Norton is worse than opie

This reeks of “work around to get my friend, the child rapist on the show.”

Colin Quinn's going to be there. That might be its saving grace.
