He taught me so much

130  2018-03-13 by MellJay


Idk, to me it's sounding more and more like some fat guy that discovered that fame and arrogance could sometimes get him laid, then he parlayed that into some immature sex philosophy.

I think he's funny, but he really was just a dumb, black, fat man.

Yeah, I'm coming to that conclusion too.

I started listening to the show around the time he died, so his tribute show was the first I ever heard of him. Then I listened to ALL of his clips online like they were gospel.

I'm relistening to them now. In hindsight, I only respected Patrice's opinion so much because Jimmy always talked about him like he was a generational personality, and I took it for granted that it was true because people would agree with him. But Jimmy is a total idiot and the people agreeing were Patrice's friends who just missed their dead buddy. The fact that Norton was obsessed with him is probably a knock against Patrice as much as it is an endorsement.

On top of that, Ant thought Patrice was a genius because he wove an imaginary world in which women exist to serve men and become obsolete at 22, and that's Anthony's fantasy. Then Opie would call him brilliant because he just reads the room (i.e. Jim and Ant) and wanted to look cool.

He was a really funny guy and he gave the show a lot of great radio. But the majority of his catalogue is just the intentionally confrontational arguments of a middle-aged comedian who was mad at the world for his own mistakes and failures, and who very heavily skewed reality to suit his purposes. I always wondered what the true story was behind why he went to jail. Maybe he was telling the truth, but his account has a lot of holes.

At any rate, yeah, I love Patrice, but he was a fairly racist dude who thought all women were stupid because he surrounded himself with stupid women. Not the paragon of worldliness that this sub romanticizes him as.

Damn. Plus the conspiracy stuff, leading discussions based on a few youtube videos. Yes he was funny and sometimes insightful but being the smartest guy in that room is not saying much.

It's almost like we've all invested way too much time into what was just a dumb morning radio show.

Ain't that the truth, brothaman.


"It's almost like we've all invested way too much time into what was just a dumb morning radio show." ITS STILL REAL TO ME!... (sobs)

Why was Patrice so endearing?

Fucking faggots. Why are we so quick to turn and follow the herd? Patrice is the most charismatic person I've ever known. You guys hating on him are like Von after she won her 10th black belt in Patrice's bullshit. Only now he can't defend himself with his magical ability to say something interesting our funny in any situation.

I think he was pretty on point when it came to relationships and he ripped Dr Z apart from what I remember. I haven’t listened to his stuff in a long time, though. I just remember he would boil down the dynamic between the sexes to the most simple instinctive element. He had such a low opinion of women that it comes off abrasive as shit, but for me that’s part of the appeal. The one thing I specifically remember is when he was arguing with Dr. Z and he said something along the lines of “You want advice on women? I’ll give you advice. Want to piss on her? Do it in the shower. Want to fuck her ass? Stick a finger in first” and he just rattled off 3 or 4 bits of sexual advice, in the middle of a heated debate, so quick and accurate that it was hilarious.

He was not a movie expert, however. His opinions were dogshit. I want to slap these idiots when they pretend he had these prolific street opinions on fucking Avatar.

Relisten to the Dr. Z stuff. I do think the got the better of her, but a lot of that comes from the fact that he was simply much, much louder than anyone else in the room.

You’re absolutely right. He does just impose his will more than anything. If you’re looking for a fair debate, especially if you disagree with Patrice, I can imagine how frustrating it would be to listen to, because hardly anyone else gets a word in.

If you don’t mind that she’s basically just fodder for Patrice to go off and yell his opinions, though? Then it’s fun to listen to.

Also considering the alternative, without Patrice there, it would’ve just be a circle jerk about how hot she is and Opie trying to get her to show her tits for the listening audience.

It's the simplest trick when arguing. If you can shout somebody down, you look like you're winning because you're the only one talking.

who thought all women were stupid because he surrounded himself with stupid women.

What a great summary

On top of that, Ant thought Patrice was a genius because he wove an imaginary world in which women exist to serve men and become obsolete at 22, and that's Anthony's fantasy.

That's an oversimplification. They lose their value as vapid vaginas when they lose their youth. After that, they need to work to be complete human beings (need to become men) because they're worthless otherwise.

But Patrice argued that women are incapable of doing that work. "50-year-old women are finished," "there will never be a Dos Equis 'most interesting woman in the world,'" etc. He wasn't arguing that women are boring until they get older, he was arguing the except opposite of that.

I think he could have gotten there if he actually met some smart women instead of just sticking with comedy groupies and wannabe actresses.

This is not true his techniques work for the common man. His teachings are 100% accurate

There's nothing worse than a slightly famous person who suddenly gains the ability to consistently score 6's acts like it has anything to do with charisma or charm.

Patrice said that he fucked a bill collector that called him. A black female bill collector called him, and he charmed her so much that she flew to where he lives and hung out with him for a weekend and fucked him. That is charisma. He also was clearly getting laid before he was famous. His story about the rape. What about Patrice leads you to think he wasn't getting pussy?

I said 6's not negative 2's.

Patrice's girlfriend Von is considered very sexy in the black community. That is the kind-of women they are all trying to get. A light skinned girl with a fat ass like that, is what they are all going for.

Dude had built a whole philosophy on how to be defensive and open up as little as possible towards women, he was hilarious and picking on women definitely works, but every time I hear him now my laughs are marred by a feeling of 'Oh, poor you, find some love.'

The fuck is you talking about

I know this site hates everyone, but I dunno how you could listen to the first 45 minutes or so of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZcmFeIyZNo and think Patrice is dumb.

This is one of the classic episodes where Opie for the most part shuts the fuck up for the first hour too.

Hearing him talk about God or healthy nutrition really showed how deeply uneducated he was, but he wasn't stupid. It's a miracle he could read considering where he's from.

i don't really agree with a lot of what he says either BUT he's at least able to explain himself really well and more importantly, in an entertaining way. he's kinda like Alex Jones; you don't have to actually believe what he's saying to enjoy it.

Most of his 'pimp' philosophy was just lifted literally from the book Pimp and other Iceberg Slim stuff, I think Patrice even said so at some point.

Oh shut the fuck up already. Everyone here seems to genuinely think anyone with even the slightest flaw is a hack.

He was a hack.

Lmao this sub really does hate every single person who brought them here in the first place.

I like Vos

I like Amy Schumer


You don't like small mouthed fat girls? mmmmm luhs me dat

Hey vos, ill see ya at carolines soon enough on the 15th, 16th, and 19th.

Its bad when everyone is so fucking toxic Greg(g) starts to look good by comparison.

Louis CK brought me to O&A and i still like him, but he has dwindled in quality over the years. but then again who hasn't.

i still listen to o&a shows every day and probably have for 2 years

i go through a sit ins whole catalogue and move onto another so it keeps it fresh. patreekee, burr, colin, etc

i really dont understand what the point of this sub is anymore. its just shit flinging. it should be called antiopieandanthony

opie will always be a cunt though

Me too . For example he taught me how great it is to go Brazil and fuck whores there .


Calmo Romero

How does one go about organizing this?

This place has some ideas for that. http://brazil.clubhombre.com/

That was one of the more pathetic things about Patrice. It really revealed his beta male pussy side that he talked about having when he was younger

Any man who pays a prostitute is a loser. You're trading your actual hard earned money for a turn of some cunt's cunt because you don't have the natural ability or confidence to get sex for free. It's also perfect that most of the men here call Anthony a predator, but think that prostitution is just a bit of fun, even though it's complete exploitation of the abuse and destruction a female child went through (every single protitute was raped ber her dad. Every, single, one. It's something they'll tell you openly) so the cowardly, beta male hypocrisy there is hilarious.

He spoke of the women who be paid to fuck him and pretend to be attracted to him in very affectionate, loving, girlfriend-like terms

He once said, in a tough, masculine tone that he was once cold toward an O&A fan who said hi to him in public, because he called him "Patreeky" which pissed him off, because it was a "special" thing between him and the whore he paid to be his girlfriend

He acted tough but was a bitchy faggot too. Stop sucking the guys cock and pretending he was flawless in all areas

You don't pay her to have sex with you you pay her to leave, am I right fellas?!

No you pay her to fuck you because that takes significantly less work (for some men) than investing in being an attractive male. Plus it's an easy ass job for girls which men love to look down on as unworthy...but half this sub put in the same position would probably do it if they were broke and were half-a-piece of ass (not a full piece who can be a trophy wife).

Niceee...RapistWithAIDS killing for us today! Vurrry good.

Stop sucking the guys cock and pretending he was flawless in all areas

No one does this. You're making a straw man argument. It's easy to beat down some imagined perfect image of a guy... let alone someone else's imagined image of the dude...

You never listened, did you?


How is that documentary coming along ?

It was 14.

A true god much like Mel Gibson

Praise be in their name and fuck Von

Mel fucked von?

I hope she blew him before the jaccuzzi

Course she did. She's a true hoe.

I liked hearing him talk about anything, and he was of course hilarious. I disagreed with his relationship and race views.I think he was smart enough to keep people listening. Individuals that really adopted him as their relationship guru are probably retarded.

I think he had a unique way of explaining vlak people to white people, and understanding what's different.

Patrice had experienced mainly ghetto trash women. His advice just wouldn't get you a chance with educated women.

You're applying it wrong

Patrice was a fat black redpill moron when it came women. Bunch of fags in here act like he was a Casanova or some shit but he barely did better than lil Jimmy norton when it came to the ladies. He’s a chump whose still paying for a side

Patrice once talked about how he got a female bill collector who was calling because he owed money to fly to him and fucked him for the whole weekend. You don't do that unless you have incredible skills. Who knows how much he fucked back in the day compared to Vos or Bobby? He didn't really talk about the girls he fucked that much. Because it's boring when people brag about the women they have fucked. He only told the stories when they were funny or interesting. Like the one where he was accused of rape. Or when he fucked the white woman and dropped her off by the Nation of Islam guys. Just because Patrice wasn't bragging about all the women he fucked, doesn't mean he wasn't fucking a lot.

You know, that could have been a fib.


You're probably right. Comedians aren't known to exaggerate.

There was actually a time, I'm ashamed to say, when I'd listen to Black Philip and actually think Dante Nero was saying anything true.

Not heard the white woman being dropped off one. I do remember the fat bitch from the Wizz though and the mattress in the basement.

I think he told that story on OnA, same with the dead baby food one.

I though I heard every morsel he did for O&A, I guess not. Dead baby food?!

Or when he fucked the white woman and dropped her off by the Nation of Islam guys.

Damn, I think I've heard all 150 or so of the Patrice O&A shows, and Black Philip, most of them several times, and I don't remember this at all. Was it one of his really early appearances?

I'm listening to them right now and all I can say is I think it's between 10-50, probably in the middle of that range. IDK they've all started to blur together because Opie fucking sucks and the only thing I can remember from a solid stretch of 10 episodes is that he made them spend the last half of the show listening to twitchels read the news and then the following 10 was spent doing the "top 10 country songs in america" and then there were 5 or so where Patrice literally went to sleep in the studio while Opie whined like a bitch about some other radio show. I'm now at the point where any time Patrice starts to get going on a good subject Opie changes it to something else and tells Patrice to "save it for Black Phillip" because Opie doesn't know how to relate when Patrice starts talking about anything outside of their prepared "bits".

I fucking hate Opie so much.

I loved the Black Philip shows, but it is funny that Patrice was oddly unconcerned about the fact that women would pretty openly use him for money, not just hookers either. It was a recurrent theme on the show.

Individuals that think Patrices relationship advice was bs are probably shut ins who aren't making any effort to get their dick wet in the first place.

his redpill type advice was mostly correct. what most people don't understand is that most men don't have the right attributes to pull it off. he had game + humor. some men have money + muscles or status.

it's not for everyone

I think a lot of his relationship stuff made sense for him, even if he was a little weird about it all. The problem is that 99% of what he talked about wouldn't apply to the ugly awkward squares he was trying to teach it to.

Some if it was spot on like "Women dont want to win, women want to be with a winner"

this sub is fucking pathetic hahaha

That poster is going to pop up on Cellarcrowd's site for $24.99

Patrice taught me to treat my wife like a man. If she gets emotional over dumb shit, I'll mock her or ignore it, I don't engage it anymore.

Patrice's message was about respecting women by not lying and pretending, the same way you would with a man you respect.

I love that people think he was a woman hater because he refused to coddle women and treat them like they're incapable of operating rationally. Women need to be convinced to be better the same way men always tell each other to.

If I can give my male coworker shit for getting fat, why can't I say that to a female?

Vondecarlo Brown still fleecin' this dead ass nigga. She ruthless as fuck. Using all that white guilt to pay dem billz... HA!


He was right about a lot, wrong about just as much. They way he argued his points is why he was so interesting and funny. I enjoyed following his logic even when I disagreed with him. He sure could twist an opinion into whatever shape he wanted and I’ll always enjoy listening to his old appearances.

The way he argued was by being loud and obnoxious. He sucked ass , he only “won” arguments against random OnA interns. I remember him and Nick dipaolo getting into it about race and liberal ideologies invading colleges, nick was citing authors and crap and Patrice told him “bleh go eat ass”. He couldn’t understand that colleges are majority liberally biased and didn’t believe it.

Colin Flaherty is an author. Your point doesnt suddenly become valid because you cite an author. I remember Patrice tried to argue with Nick before saying go eat ass. Nick is funny but his views on politics and race are very biased

The angry wop has some English blood in him and all of a sudden he thinks that makes him white.

So you’re saying nick point is wrong about colleges being liberally biased? You think colleges are either majority neutral or conservative?

Eh. Difference of opinion I guess. I loved his train of thought on a lot of topics, even when he was dead wrong. Always thought he was creative.

Patrice wasn't well informed or educated about things he was talking about, but he made it funny, also he's the only one in the gang whos standup was A grade level. Better than most if not all comics out there. Chris Rock put him in his top five comics of all time when he was promoting his top five movie. He regreted fighting showbiz in the end. He really could have become a millionaire in one year of doing televised work. Instead he lived in an house with a leaky ceiling in a development neighbourhood that never developed. All of that bridge burning shit had had its price. Unfunny ego Maniac Kevin Hart is living the fucking life.

"Isn't that better" and "we want you around but just not here" bits are my favorite comedy of all time. He murdered that shit.

His redpill shit was never suppose to be taken seriously, he gave Von a ring and he raised another's mans daughter like his own. He talked alot of shit because ona kept him on to be that guy

He's a hero in the redpill community which always amazed me. I mean, the guy paid to support his girlfriend's kid who wasn't his. And then he would talk about how to act like a man and not let women take advantage of you. Those two things really don't go hand in hand imo. Plus, he's dead because he couldn't stop eating candy. It's tough to value his opinion...

Funniest person to ever live though.

I know people like the old Patrice material, but I prefer his material now.
Dirt, worms, mold, teeth, fake gold rings, more worms...

Dvv dvv

I'm listening to them right now and all I can say is I think it's between 10-50, probably in the middle of that range. IDK they've all started to blur together because Opie fucking sucks and the only thing I can remember from a solid stretch of 10 episodes is that he made them spend the last half of the show listening to twitchels read the news and then the following 10 was spent doing the "top 10 country songs in america" and then there were 5 or so where Patrice literally went to sleep in the studio while Opie whined like a bitch about some other radio show. I'm now at the point where any time Patrice starts to get going on a good subject Opie changes it to something else and tells Patrice to "save it for Black Phillip" because Opie doesn't know how to relate when Patrice starts talking about anything outside of their prepared "bits".

I fucking hate Opie so much.

He was a hack.