Natalie Portman's tiny Jewbs.

70  2018-03-13 by RBuddCumia


Was that taken on set of The Professional?

No, Anthony.

I cant look at her fucking smug face without remembering how full of shit she is. She gives hollywood shit for the lack of female directors but in her production company she is the only female director there.

I can't look at her face because she has a giant mole on it

She def lost me at “the all male nominees for best director are...”

love Natalie. Lookup Casey Calvert she's a Jewish pornstar who looks just like her.

its amazing isn't it only 1 million jewish women under 45 in this country and there has been 50 jewish women pornstars. those whores just love cock i guess

50 out of 1 million is less than a tenth of one percent

It's still oddly high.

kikes invented porn. porn credits read like a tel Aviv phone book. it's a tool to subvert traditional western values

yeah i've heard that. to be fair, porn is made in LA and Florida and and used to be in NYC. 3 of the top metropolitan areas for jews in this country. more than half the jews in the US live in those 3 places. and you need someone that has some experience in film production and has no morals. So of course it will be jews.

it's a tool to subvert traditional western values

Is sex also? And what of Japanes tentacle porn? Traditional in the East?

Any native Jap porn made by Japs where Black men brutally fuck Japanese women and racially abuse them like there is in Jew made porn?

Lol, you guys are fucking pathetically crazy. I love it.

That's your answer?

Yes, Japanese people do produce with black actors as well as white actors.

Jew conspiracies are endlessly entertaining, though, so I encourage you to continue.

OK show me then. Show me some homegrown piece of Japanese porn where the Blacks brutally fuck and racially abuse the Japanese girl. You don't have to link it just tell me the name of the film.

Just because you say things and then insist, doesn't make them so. The real world is a thing.

All I can tell you is that the biggest losers in my life who never leave their homes or get laid or accomplish anything are Jew conspiracists. I think going outside and interacting with people might help you.

"Some of this sexualisation of black men has been imported from American culture"

Also see comments below. People are claiming they're a tiny fraction. Also only study cited is clearly a Western analysis. No data either or quotes. Great rebuttal though.

Yes, a fraction of Japanese-produced porn features out-of-country, non-native actors. That stands to reason.

You said there was none. There are clearly some. What's the threshold percentage that you're looking for here chief.

I didn't say there was none I said 'Any native Jap porn made by Japs where Black men brutally fuck Japanese women and racially abuse them like there is in Jew made porn with White girls?'

Remember, 'chief'?

Hm, well I don't speak Japanese so I can't tell you what they're saying. Let me get Rosetta Stone and get back to you.

Also no racial abuse cited which is what I asked for and which is a constant trope in American porn.

Hahaha, I knew you weren't going to accept anything I sent you.

You seem to care a lot about this. Go to a porn website, type "Japanes, AV, interracial" into the search box and do you some research. For the sake of proving me wrong.

You sent me a random quora post. Did you think that was a good piece of proof?

It's not even central to my argument and wouldn't prove or disprove my assertion about Jewish involvement in the American porn industry anyway. Also the random quora post itself conceded what interracial porn there was in Japan was somewhat the result of US influence. Japanese people are super racist. I wouldn't doubt that any of that porn was mostly made for a foreign market given the fact that most Japs find Blacks to be grotesque -- as do most Chinese.

lol at the old 'you really care about this' line. Fuck you man.

You asked for a thing and got it. Then said "that's not the thing."

This is why people do not respect conspiracy theorists.

Feel free to keep responding!

In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. Born in 1924, Sturman grew up in Cleveland’s East Side. Initially, he sold comics and magazines, but when he realized sex magazines produced twenty times the revenue of comic books, he moved exclusively into porn, eventually producing his own titles and setting up retail stores. By the end of the 1960s, Sturman ranked at the top of adult magazine distributors and by the mid-70s he owned over 200 adult bookstores. Sturman also introduced updated versions of the traditional peepshow booth (typically a dark room with a small colour TV on which the viewer can view X-rated videos). It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry.

Jewish Quarterly and their Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.


"The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We hate Authoritarianism."

Lol at 'Authoritarinaism'

Al Goldstein famed Jewish pornographer. Gee do you think that ethnic hatred of Catolics could have anything to do with the many Catholic themes in Jewish porn? Probably just a conspiracy theory.

Again from that article in the Jewish Quarterly:

"The standard porn scenario became as a result a Jewish fantasy of schtupping the Catholic shiksa."

Fucking conspiracy theorists.

I love you. Please don't stop.

She stinks now but I bet when she was younger and more naive, fucking around in Long Island; she would've been the perfect person to lose your virginity to.

I want to rub cheese and meat all over that bitch.

But what about the Kosher laws?!

She lights her home with non-survivor skin lamps so it's cool.

Good catch.

Get this boy out of here

And into Ant's house

I was told all jew broads had big tits??!! #themoreyouknow

Darth vader fap material

“Your mom’s boobs, are so dope. I bet she has tiny nipples, like Natalie Portman”


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tee hee

Natalie looks like shit she peaked in Leon acting and looks wise. She hasn't been relationship worthy in 20 years.


leave it alone!

tiny tits are disgusting

She got so unfuckable after leon

You couldn't possibly bring yourself to fuck her?


I like the direction this sub is taking

they r very pointy

Haha she's become an average broad. Feminism ruins everything, starting with the feminists themselves.

It's still oddly high.

She lights her home with non-survivor skin lamps so it's cool.

Good catch.