The_Donald users are brave souls. Nothing like those snowflake Hillary supporters. Oh wait I was banned for this

0  2018-03-13 by TonyFromLongIsland


Politics are gay but you're still faggier


are you twinkish?

I'm like 300lbs

You sound like a real regular Joe.

I better not get any downvotes this time. I'm serious!!

as a centrist, i get it, but this sub is in a conservative face. you're really stepping in it, so to speak


idk what I'm looking at

I got banned from The_Donald for calling the NBA the Negro Basketball Association. This idiot was trying trying to make a joke about what NFL stood for and he didn’t even use words starting with those 3 letters. Real tough guys over there.

I just figured the_donald consisted of lonely truckers, hayseeds, conspiracy theorists that are 2 steps away from being institutionalized and Europeans running bots.