Obviously OJ Simpson has CTE

12  2018-03-12 by AlexanderGrape

According to neurologist Jimmy Norton, any athlete that does something violent is clearly suffering from CTE.


He is a fellow sufferer from the amount of solid rogerings he has received on his linoleum kitchen floor.

In OJs case, did he get hit a lot? I know he ran a lot, but I've never seen him get hit. CTE is a shit thing, and it's not inconceivable that he has it. But that doesn't really excuse anything. It's just how your brain is now.

He was a running back so... yeah.

2,607 career touches with 75 career touchdowns means he was tackled at least 2,532 times.

Well, I guess he could have run out of bounds on some of those.

I don't know if OJ has CTE or not, but if Ron Goldman really did a karate pose when he confronted him, he deserved to die.

That kind of faggot shit cannot be tolerated.

The only thing obvious is that OJ was a political prisoner and completely innocent

Hero cop Mark Fuhrman should be praised for his part in getting a black man exonerated.

What does M. say on this matter?

He has KABAGAWI-Kill'ed a Bitch and Got away with It

It wasn’t CTE. It was TNB.

I wish Norton had AIDs

Oh wait..

I wish I had as good and loyal of a friend as Charlie was to OJ, Charlie must be a pretty cool guy.