Introducing the Compound Media singing sensations.....

1  2018-03-12 by ShowMeWithYourMouth


Are we witnessing the worst post this sub has ever seen?

I'll take it!

This sub is falling hard. The humor is getting really stupid, and I think it’s a lot of dummies who never actually listened to O and A in the first place, who are jumping on board because they enjoy the trolling and hate. Which is fine, but at least make it funny, and not stupid and redundant.

Calm down, guy nobody has heard of. Give me a big hug. Everything's going to be okay.

This sub is falling hard. The humor is getting really stupid, and I think it’s a lot of dummies who never actually listened to O and A in the first place, who are jumping on board because they enjoy the trolling and hate. Which is fine, but at least make it funny, and not stupid and redundant.

Does anyone remember laughter?

Nice attempt, but I'm taking points off for no using post HGH Niggant.

It's fascinating how they all look fucking fugly individually and as a group. Big A's monster mug isn't helping The Ant and Keith The Ugly Faggot.

That photo of Ant is both, horrifying and looks nothing like him.

Keith has a more punchable face than Jimmy.