Brighten up your Monday by scrolling through the twitter hate Sam Roberts receives from WWE fans

83  2018-03-12 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


i have a shit project at work, and a good FWB has been impossible to get a hold of lately. this did brighten my day, thanks :)

"I really wish #WWE would fire Art Garfunkel aka Sam Roberts. He brings zero entertainment value to the product and is hard to look at and listen to. Has a very boring personality. #WWEFastlane #WWENetwork"

If they only knew what a worthless cunt he's been the last 15 years on radio.

Im too hard on these wrestling fans, theyre not as retarded as i first thought.

Still pretty goddamned retarded, though.

Not a single positive comment in about a dozen screens of scrolling.

That makes me so incredibly happy.

I saw one. One guy commented on his Stu Pickles suit

I'm torn. I hate Sam, but I also want these fans of gay oiled speedo ass slapping "sports entertainment" to suffer as much as possible.

They have to endure Sam, you don't call that suffering?

We had to endure Opie

And Sam!

Bunch of masochists in here.

Thank you for your service

I hope Sam gets a full-time job as a commentator for Raw or Smackdown! Maybe he would quit Sirius then.

The fucking guy with the afro pick video was great.

you guys can rip on wrestling fans all you want, but they’re one of the toughest crowds to get over on. Any weakness in the performer, and it’s immediate hate, instant feedback. Their hate is respectable.


Yeah, us non-wrestling fans (civilians) just wouldn't understand

Nice heel-turn, stupid.

i watched that alexa bliss promo after she won elimination chamber - i was laughing my balls off at how well she played the crowd

and she's not bad on the eyes either, right?

Oh. Look. A faggot has spoken.

Opie Roberts gloating about how everyone can't stop talking about his performance is pretty shocking, I had no idea he was really that delusional.

That's because, just like his hero, any criticisms are just from trolls who are supposedly jealous of his talent.

Idk, first tweet I saw was a cute looking girl who averages a few hundred likes per wrestling post she does of original WWE artwork. Then I saw even a few blue check marked people who I've never heard of but even they were pretty brutal. I don't know if it's a physical thing Sam does or a mental thing but those would be examples of counter arguments for what Opie and Anthony consider trolls (people with large amount of followers/non-anonymous posters).

His whole demeanor and aesthetic is off-putting enough to change the consumer behavior of the crowd. It's not hideous in a grotesquely deformed way, but it would be hard to eat with him in the room. How are you going to see Sam Roberts around a product and be enthusiastic about it anymore?

You should be a creative writer.

Nothing makes me happier than to see a sub-human getting universally shat upon by everyone he comes into contact with. All is well in the world.

I never thought I'd agree with anything wrestling fans said.. but here I am.

So what'd he do to piss them off? Or is it just general hate only trending now as he's currently on their television?

they have functioning eyes and ears and this mutant is polluting their dumb entertainment

I fucking hate Sam, but what I learned on the show today was that Nancy Grace walked out on Jim and Sam on March 2. I guess there was too much cuntiness in the studio.

Ithat was 2 years ago buddy

Ha ha ha ha, even PRO WRESTLING FANS laugh at poor, poor Sam. When rasslin' fans are mocking you, you've truly bottomed out.

Sam's accomplishments in life are so far out of proportion with his actual level of talent. He's employed to broadcast by two major corporations. It's astonishing and baffling when you think about it. There's got to be more qualified guys out there who could step into both roles and fawkin kill it.

"Where the fuck did Sam Roberts find an IRL replica of Stu Pickles' suit?"


Today I went to a casino and asked a negro lady for a dollar so I could use some free play. She said no. It was one of the lowest points in my life. Thank you for brightening my day. PS: Brother Joe is worthless.