Artie Lange Los Angeles live appearance.

93  2018-03-12 by ehondaslaps


That photoshoot is hostrorically beautiful cringe. Worth a googling.

Holy shit, you were not kidding...

Is that you?

delet this

haha why was this downvoted, it was the one i was looking for, so funny.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and gluttony

holy 56 percent photoshoot

Looks like a handsome contest.

I'm glad the Mad Cuban had fun.

This gallery has my wife howling right now. About this one, she said:

"this has to be photoshopped"

"is he a little person?"

I wanted to toss out a Rogan joke but she wouldn't get it

Hmm, no Bobo...

I thought number 4 was grabbing his dick.

My favorite thing was all the polite hover handing.

I think there was a lesbian hover hand there, I don't think I've seen that before.

Classic stuff

Looks like his ass is sticking out of the front of his pants

  1. that's not really artie

  2. them bitches need to lose some of that gut body fat, and use some of that carls jr money to get some fake tits and ass injections.

For sure dude, I also see 3 fat slobs in that picture.

You don’t think that would make them self-conscious if you tweeted that to them, do you?

That’s absolutely Artie Lange, dude.

The only thing I hate more than fake tits are fake assess.

Right? Nothing says "I'm totally straight" like calling fit girls fat and suggesting they replace their natural titty and ass fat with plastic.

I dated a girl with fake boobs. Her rationale was really depressing:

When she first got them, she noticed that guys were giving her more attention and money. (She was a stripper.) Then at some point, she got used to the extra attention and the extra money.

So her solution?

Get them even bigger.

That's how you go from this :

to this:

They're about to end up dismembered in the dumpster he eats out of.

At this point, this comparison is a compliment to Artie.

The fat fuck's gut is making me angry.

I wanna kick it back up into his shirt

That man looks 10,000x more healthy than Artie Lang


This guy must be a smooth talker, to score two good looking babes like that.

This nigga got a scrotum on his stomach

This is fucking depressing.

If it were really Artie Lange one of those girls would likely fuck him.

Gold diggers gonna gold dig.

Actually that's a least not for free. If you've never heard the notorious story Artie told on the Stern Show when he hooked up with some fine ass bitch and banged her out and when it was all said and done the whore held her hand out and said "that'll be $5,000." Yeah, hilarious...well, not for him, of course.

Link? My bad. Enjoy. Fantastic tale.

This looks like Artie circa 2008.

Is that the Rick and Morty guy?

that dude looks like a model compared to what artie looks like nowadays.

Looks more like a fatter Jeff Garland that dresses like Artie.

What a difference a shower and a haircut make.

I had to zoom in to make sure this wasn’t actually him.

"Hey Howard... uh... I'm not feeling well today"


I swear to God I thought it was him until I read the comments.

Sometimes I realize my life could be much worse.

That guy is actually at Artie's "goal" weight.

Based Boogie!