Will Jim and Sam discuss Danny's latest comments?

0  2018-03-12 by fudgesicle2014


probably not

You know I dont know what he said but I wish him the best. What else you got, Robin?

Tsk... That's a tough one man. I'm not really sure what's going on so I don't wanna comment on it

You don't even have some kind of african cat!!! Back to obscurity with you!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

they don't like to bring up reddit.

The gag order from Anthony.

Bob akelly didn’t know about and said “this is gonna be on Reddit” and Sam Opie Roberts turned sour immediately: “What are you doing? Don’t talk about them.”

Lol really? What the fuck he mean them?

they put us in the same category as niggers can you believe dat?


It was about not bringing up the Saiyanz guy

What am I? On the fuckin pay no mind list?

The gag order from Anthony.

Bob akelly didn’t know about and said “this is gonna be on Reddit” and Sam Opie Roberts turned sour immediately: “What are you doing? Don’t talk about them.”

Lol really? What the fuck he mean them?

It was about not bringing up the Saiyanz guy