So are we back to Jew boobs?

26  2018-03-11 by RBuddCumia


yes. GO!

yes anything other than those faggotty jims arms post, wasnt that incident 2 weeks ago?

This sub sees something, waits 2 weeks to make memes about it and then beats it to death for three days . That's what we do.

"That's what WE do here!" sniff

Those are borderline hentai tits.

Post breast pump nips.

Jimmy called them "Carrot Nipples" once and I've never been able to get that out of my head when I see a chick with extra long nips.

That bitch got some juggies

Google's all in on the Semitic boobs

Eww look at all that fat on her chest. Why would you choose that over young, thin, delightful young ladies?

Oooof. Prince Alan is grotesque.

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with Jim?

An age old mystery.

She does have a very chokable neck, to be completely honest.

Holy shit, why are their titties so perfect?

These posts are making me less anti-Semitic, please stop

Wait a decade. The drop off on Jewish, Asian, and Russian broads is intense.

Russians are fucking gross their whole lives. Asians at least get a good 30 years before they turn into antique handbags.

Alot of Russians and others bought fake Jew genology records to migrate to Israel.

I want to try and fit a whole tit in my mouth.

back to the good ole jewy beefers

Leave Rich Vos out of this.

"That's what WE do here!" sniff