Reminder: Anthony, who cried senselessly when Melissa walked out on him, doesn't believe in love

67  2018-03-11 by Single_Action_Army

He also gives out 12 hour anniversary cards


Ant doesn't believe in romantic love. He's looking for a surrogate mommy.

Wtf he had a perfectly good one to visit for five years

He wanted one that wouldn't ask, "Who are you?" every time he cried about how mean reddit was to him.

He wants one that will take care of him not vise versa.

Maybe he shouldn't look for one in junior high schools.

He doesn't keep them long. Once he has to take them to buy their first tampons he drops them off at the closest safe haven fire station.

He will be forever looking for Buzz.

because she knows hes a fag and hes embarrassed not for her

And 12 year olds anniversary cards.

Of course not, he's too afraid to get his heart broken.

Aside from the infidelity, Melissa does come off like a Complainy McPlainerson in this. Oh no, my 50 year old sugar daddy doesn’t like the shitty music I listen to and won’t let me put band posters all over his mansion. And I’m not having enough fun making a shit load of money getting my picture taken.

He experienced one lousy marriage in his 30’s and basically gave up on forming meaningful relationships with any woman.

What an overreacting quitter. Give up that easily huh Ant? Forgive me for SJWing it up, but there are 3.5 billon women. Not all of them are cunty like your ex. Try finding a nice one instead of literally pouting about your divorce for decades.

That’s like shopping for a car and you don’t like the very first one you test drive, so all cars are worthless bitches now! Who needs ‘em! It’s the bachelor’s life for me from now on!

all cars are worthless bitches now!

Words to live by.

"Forgive me for sounding like an SJW, but [scientific, unbiased population count of all women]."

Not all of them are cunty like your ex.

True, some women are in a coma

It's a tough one man. If a woman took me for 2 million in a divorce I don't think I'd try again

Not all of them are cunty like your ex.


He is a homosexual who likes dick

Or maybe he realized that not only was his wife shitty, he was also not cut out for marriage. Marriage definitely isn't for everyone.

Ant's problem is he's too fucking dumb to figure out that while crazy pussy is good, it's just not worth it when you get into a relationship with a crazy bitch.

I figured out that shit when I was 16.

ok Einstein

He was 47 when he was banging Nicolini when she was like 30. He could've finally settled down like a good pop-pop, he had plenty of money so there was no financial stress, they're both Italian... nope, not good enough, he thought it better to make a joke out of his whole life.

His biggest issue with her was her awful early 90s fake tits. Instead of offering to buy her new ones, he blows up the relationship then goes out and buys a set for Sue.

Her tits really are awful. And her ass leaked all over his bed. I don't blame him for ditching her.

I'm sue they were fine. Plus she could always get them done again. Much better than a shim.

I see what you did with that "typo".

I thought it was the leaky anus

Now he's fucking a 25 year old 10. What a joke.

This is one of few things that I believe that Danny said to be 100% True

and the KTC covering for Anthony tbh.

Keith DeMeo will always cover for Ant.

tsss doesn't believe in love, what is he? singing for queensryche or sumthin

cry senselessly

Anthony fell in love with every single one of these goofy girls/tranny he ever dated. He can call it whatever he wants to make himself sound more manly, but he was madly in love with them all. He's not out there slaying mad pussy. He finds a kooky girl, gets all goo goo gaga for them, starts buying them stupid shit and lets them move in with him and then writes them cutesy letters like "Happy 12 hour anniversary I love you lolololll."

I absolutely believe that he cried over Melissa. I'm sure he cried over every girl/tranny that left him. He's a sissy.

Also, I feel like this aspect doesn't get enough attention: Melissa said that Anthony can barely get his dick hard any more from years of substance abuse. So he doesn't even fuck these girls. He's basically just married to them.