(3:53) Jim Norton with another very natural human reaction.

4  2018-03-11 by RBuddCumia



I guess I missed it

Oh wait there it goes

wow, Penn got Jim's famous guy laugh

reserved only for those Jim wants to latch onto like a sucker fish

ME: Let me drop anchor on this momentum we've got going and read this last tweet; it'll add nothing that the audience can't already guess and even if it did this enormously successful professional magician (whose act relies heavily on understanding and verbally controlling the audience's understanding of a situation) would be sure to mention it...

Fucking dolt.

u/RBuddCumia getting the Opster some views today.

Vurry good. Vurry good. Where are you preforming this weekend RBuddCumia?

Um I'll be drinking until I shit myself and sleeping by the toilet.

Does that count as "preforming?"