This guy at the bar last night tried to tell me that movie Mother! was one of the best movies ever made

0  2018-03-11 by crookedmile

He was telling me that it's an allegory of the bible and all that jazz. I asked "What if you don't know anything about the bible" and he responds "Ummm, I grew up in America. Everyone knows about the bible". I went to catholic grade school and couldn't tell you one thing about the bible outside of the 10 commandments and Noah's ark, and even then that shit is hazy as fuck. Regardless, I refuse to see that boot-in-a-toilet arthouse garbage. "But they dismembered a baby!", how shocking. If they fucked it in the bathtub and filmed it with a camcorder like August Underground, that might have piqued my interest.


Weird that this guy would delve into a synopsis of this artsy movie with his dick in your mouth. Whatever though, you do you.

And how!

Nice lack of Vos plug, stupid.

Movies are like jokes. If it needs explanation, then it sucks. It’s great if it has hidden layers you can think about later, but the damn thing must first entertain at the most literal level.

That movie was garbage

Yeah? YOU ARE!

You should have fucked him in the mouth.

...and all that jazz.


Who fucking cares? What does this have to do w/ O&A? This isn’t your personal blog you cocksucker. Go bitch about your nonsense somewhere else.

Bragging about being ignorant of the bible is sooo cool

It's one of the main Books society is based on you dumb fuck


Yeah. put on sunglasses, Hauls ass to Lollapalooza!

I’ve never read the Bible and I seem to know more about it than you do.

Maybe you’re just dumb?