This is not a man interested in grown women.

22  2018-03-11 by RBuddCumia


Nice anal leakage, stupid.

Anybody have that clip where he's kissing some damaged girl on live from the compound, and she gags immediately after? It's the most fucking creepy (and hilarious) thing you'll ever see in your life.

The fact that a 6 like Nicolini got involved with Frank Zappa's mongoloid cousin still astonishes me.

And then he cheated on her with a boy body teen.

So it's clear that he is completely obsessed with child fucking.

Yeah, how foolish of him to want to fuck a 20 year old instead of a nipped and tucked 30 something. Jill is "grown", so what? She's grown old

20 year olds are great. Tweens aren't.

I disagree. I've seen middle school girls I'd like to fuck, and the only reason I don't is the law. Regardless, RBuddCumia says Ant cheated on Jill with a teen. This is inaccurate.


Not every 13 year old, but some 13 year olds are hot

Makes sense though, i imagine the temporary infatuation and beauty went away when Anth had to live and re-enact the dead horse in the bed-scene from Godfather every morning.

she cheated on him first tho

Fun fact: did you know that Dirty Harry is the real life uncle of established pornstar TT boy?

Cameras blur their lenses defensively whenever that greasy octogenarian smiles

She’s the best Anth ever did.

That’s pretty fucking terrible.

I liked Lobster Girl.

If Zorro was a child molester..........

This is probably the oldest girl he has had

Yeah he should have kept her as wifey and fucker around a little more discrete

but drunks gonna drunk



Grow up on these cold streets and you gonna end up frosty my dude

Is that Raul Julia?? He was great in the Adams Family movie.

Not every 13 year old, but some 13 year olds are hot