Why did Artie use a pic of Florentine and his kid for this morbid tweet?

26  2018-03-11 by BackstabbingSammy


Artie tweets odd shit

At least he's not promoting Crashing or his stupid fucking book.


I guess hes always been an upbeat person

Let's not forget this tweet from Artie, written during the wake of his latest release from rehab: https://mobile.twitter.com/artiequitter/status/952203365785751553

That's disturbing.


is there any context to this

Other than Artie's a closet fag and site possibly a child molester? No.

Funny Artie...

supposedly Artie turned down a role in a Judd Apatow movie where Chelsea Mann sits on his face, so he could be in the movie where a boy sits on his lap.

Artie must have thought that was him and his dad who fell off the roof

I hate tweets by Artie when he has self indulgent heroin confidence

"U ain't the man ang"

Stop trying to act detached like you're above your pathetic life situation faggot

Is heroin confidence a thing? Does Artie still do coke and smack every day?

Why don't you try opiates and find out for yourself how it makes you feel buddy

I have once. They made feel like I was in a dream within a womb, but I don't know about confident.

You have to do them repeatedly for the confidence to kick in. Keep trying.

What’re you six?

We get it artie your dad was a real tough guy italian

Mr Rogers thought Artie’s dad was gay.

He’s babbling.

READ - "Feel sorry for me, I'm a piece of shit because my dad was mean and I'm also a fag."

I have that same glove. Mine is from 1982. Still damn near perfect.

So your dad fell off a roof? Tell us about it.

Poor poor Retartie. His daddy took him to a ball game once then he fell off a roof therefore he's needed to shovel any drug he can find up his horribly misshapen snout for the last thirty years. Blubbering faggot. I hate pantywaists who whine about how their personal traumas are way heavier than yours or mine, like we just don't understand his faggotized pain.

When his Dad was paralyzed, Mr Rogers snuck in and fucked him