I agreed with Troy Quan on Friday

7  2018-03-11 by ART-CORNEY

Jim and Sam had no defense for TRANSGENDER people vs TRANSRACE. Fair skinned black people have been "passing" for years. What makes Caitlin Jenner sane and Rachel Dolezal a nut case Joke?


Start at 27:00 for mobile


caitlyn jenner is sane?

Did you also agree with him it is ok to push a woman to her death on a dangerous hiking trail, as long as you get that ZipCar back on time?

I do.

Holy shit is Jim retarded

"Just because a Cadillac can do one thing, doesn't tractor trailers can do the same thing"

What does that even fucking mean? Thats the worst double talk I've ever fucking heard.

He literally has no one in his life who will smash him. He is losing his fucking mind.