/u/TheBlueAwning has been banned.

22  2018-03-11 by [deleted]



thank christ, I have a list of his alts if you want.

.....you keep a list of his alts? Dude go out tonight

Antwan’s 5k ..he was on his twitter blowing him earlier today

Wait he is saying he was harassed? This isn't about him and Anthony?

This was all about danny getting attention so he can feel like slightly less of an unemployable failure in life.

Yeah, I propositioned him to let me suck his dick after he fucked my ass and didn't clean it off, fam.

Probably wasn't even danny

There were 2 bLue awning was Danny and BIue awning was some dick trying to cash in on Antwan’s bounty

One of you fine gentlemen want to break down WTF is going on here?

Danny fags around in sub, people say mean but accurate things about him so he starts making all kinds of threats because he's an internet tough guy faggot.

Huh? Apparently there’s someone who replaced the L with an i in their username to pretend to be Danny.

yeah, that information came from one of danny's alt accounts

Ya but there really is a second account. And it’s only posting on gay, Jewish, or bartending subs. It’s so heavy handed it’s not even hiding it


That is a capital I next to the B in this troll's username, stupid.

My former fuckbuddy re-emerged on this sub as TheBlueAwning and then a funnier and more interesting guy started posting as The BIueAwning after waiting for the 5-day ban on new posters ran out, fam.

I would love to suck both their dicks on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial some day, fam.

Thank you for your service.

He gay af

How old is he?

about 40.


Remember that u/TheBlueAwning (with a B-L-U-E) is apparently Danny while u/TheBIueAwning (with a B-I-U-E) is the proud boy imposter.


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I danny alt account.

Are you on the blackboard also? Just saw a similar handle there. Kinda freaked me out.

It's from Rick and Morty.

I realize this now. However, it's probably best to keep him banned - unless the community feels otherwise. I'll ban the imposter too.

Let Danny back, it's been an interesting few days with him around.

Let Danny speak.

Let Danny back, it's not his fault the mods made a mistake.

why would you keep him banned?

Because these are your mods.

Unban him but spray him down with a hose first

I'll spray him down my splooge, fam.

Don't ban the real Danny he's got some juicy deets

Well he needed the money

I don't care! I am desperate to suck both of their dicks, fam.

I hope this Danny impersonator finally finds tye love he's looking for:. https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/83i4zj/update_matt_collins_on_twitter_pretended_to_be/dvhz2z8/

I hope this Danny impersonator finally finds the love he's looking for:. https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/83i4zj/update_matt_collins_on_twitter_pretended_to_be/dvhz2z8/

You're sure that's not the fag pretending to be Danny?

Blueawning is allegedly Danny. (that's with an L after the B)

There's also BIueawning, with an I. As in bi. The bi is enough evidence to assume it's one of Anthony's boyfriends.

I think it's more likely Anthony himself. Obvious Freudian slip, plus the threats and doxxing are classic Anthony behavior.

It's not me. I love /u/DannyFromTheShow and his new /u/TheBlueAwning or was it /u/TheBIueAwning.

I want to suck both of their dicks, fam. Preferably at the same time, with the other guy ramming my ass with his veiny cock.

Didn't Anthony confirm it was the real Danny by instantly attacking Danny the person rather than saying what a smart person would say: "It's a troll making shit up".

Astute assessment

If it isn't really Danny the guy pretending is a hero.


more like Blue YAWNING.

I'm going to take it that you didn't get my PM.

It's not the same guy.

TheBlueAwning • 5 points • submitted 5 hours ago they are very tall and that scares me.

EDIT - Mods have banned me as of 3/10. No reason given besides "see ya buddy". Seems somebody was posting with The BIUE awning and dumb fuck mods didn't even bother checking the post history. What absolute dopes.

Hmm. We should probably just leave him banned and ban the other guy as well.

thank you for your service.

You're a fucking faggot.


Oh no, don't block Shylock, he was promising us information he was never going to give.

So Ant has been sending disinformation agents?

I'll unban the real Danny if that's what everyone wants.

"Real" Danny

unban him, if he didnt do anything wrong theres no reason to leave him banned

Why don’t we get some verification from the lil guy? Girls do it before they show us their butthole, Danny’s mug is no different

I second this

Pics or gtfo.


didn't he open up his twitter to prove it was him?

I'm a few hours behind. What's the twitter link?

I could ask him JS

unban em all! let The Lord sort em out.

Denny has the best boy-size mouth for sucking my dick, fam.

I have no evidence that he had or was ever able to self-suck.

No. He has no more info

Fuck 'em. Making shit up for attention and you rubes bought all of it.

I think you're also the fake Danny account, and you're either trying to:

1.) Create confusion to ban the real Danny without any need to

2.) Get the sub shut down to get the $5k because you're a poor schmuck

3.) Get on Anthony's good side so you can be invited to wear teen girls like Bugles on your fingers

I did. It's the fair thing to do.

Edit - now that I think of it...did this really need to be an announcement?

This tool guy is universally hated on the sub and seems to get everything about modding it wrong. And is this true:


EDIT - Mods have banned me as of 3/10. No reason given besides "see ya buddy".


Between this and all the needless post removals, something's seriously going wrong with the sub of late.

This tool guy is universally hated on the sub

And yet, every time someone gets a hate boner for the mods, I get someone trying to doxx me.

Overall, though, the mods here are pretty universally hated. I don't quite get it. I can see it in some instances, but those seem rare.

Danny was banned on accident. I can vouch for that. Not that you have any reason to take my word for it, but - that was a mix up. Was it handled properly? Eh....no, but it still was an accident.

I unbanned him earlier. Whether he comes back or not is anyone's guess.

Overall, though, the mods here are pretty universally hated. I don't quite get it. I can see it in some instances, but those seem rare.

You know the way people say "durr even good cops are bad because they don't act against the ones who do bad stuff"? It's that kind of logic. Someone removes posts for no good reason and is a shit mod. I think it's mr tool. Most people probably don't think it's specifically anyone and just see it as "the mods suck", the same way those lunkheads think "all cops are scum".

This is exactly it. It's not really that the mods aren't "acting against" the piece o' G who's deleting threads for no justifiable reason, it's just that I have no idea who the fuck it is. I know CCRed and Braun are cool for stuff they do outside of modding, but until I know who's the real asshole all the others might as well be. If someone really is trying to doxx any of them they're scum obviously.


For fucksake do a little investigating before your autistic actions.

Unban. I got a pm from the same guy and new it was fake immediately, how do you guys fuck up this bad so consistently.

Think about the type of person who aspires to be an internet moderator and you've answered your own question

There’s no way to read this and not laugh

Somehow I found a way.

From what I understand the mobile interface had something to do with it. Something about I and l looking exactly the same, which is why these dipshits do things like that.

Clicking on the actual profile would have definitely provided some insight.

You're right. I didn't know there was a fake fake Danny going around. That's why u didn't even suspect it. And yes, on mobile the names look identical.

Ok so what's your excuse for wanting to keep me banned? If you're going to mod with personal grudges, you shouldn't be a mod periord. Sniff.

You've been unbanned. Settle down.

Why is this thread still up way after the fact. I don't see it's purpose.

Lmao you even type like a cop

This sub's bread and butter is inventing Fake News anyway. Maybe we shouldn't gripe when someone offers us some.

Patton and Joe Cumia cooked this idea up as revenge.

Idk if this is news or not. I’m guessing not. But this nasty nigga 🐜 writes to certain people in German as of some sign of brotherhood in alcoholic nazism. It kind of surprised me how fucking lame tony really is. Make a motha fuckin N word go crazy.

Think of it this way. You've got ball cancer. It's going to kill you, but it's really funny, cuz it gives you an excuse to whip out your balls at a party and go "the cancer is in HERE!" Do you cut out the cancer? Or do you keep showing everyone your balls? If your answer is the former option, you don't deserve to be a mod on here.

Unban. Immediately. And pray that he comes back.

Yes, it doesn't make sense to ban him for something someone else did.


This is all very, very gay. I have a feeling that Anthony felched Danny Ross.

Not just felched, but got felched, fam.

I told y'all ffs. Got downvoted for it, God damn faggots on this sub sometimes


Did he ever post a picture to prove that he was Danny?

If not, he can fuck right off with that "I've got massive dirt on Ant, can't tell you tho" shit.

“You don’t think I found you as well?”

I like how Anthony and his twitter fans just google someone’s username and then if they’re lucky, that person used the same name on another website where they shared private information. That’s the extent of their “doxxing.” Then they act like they have some secret internet sleuthing technique and anyone of us could be next.

You found a redditer’s flickr! Now you can see what they look like! Surely we will be shut down at any given moment! Pls don’t do me next. Oh god you might find my ebay account and see I sold a bunch of PS2 games in 2005!

I have extorted so many Panera Bread employees to set me up with free You Pick Two Bacon Turkey Bravo sandwich and Broccoli Cheddar soup, accompanied by Peach & Blueberry Smoothies with Almond Milk for life, fam.

1 of his 2 followers is Anthony (https://i.imgur.com/hTTDpq2.png). Anthony and probably 12 year old confused tranny Matt must be having sexy DM's right now: https://i.imgur.com/JT172JF.png

I just fucking love to suck cock, tranny or not, fam.


I hated Danny on O&A, funny to see him banned from here.

Doesn’t make Anthony any less of a rapist though

Unban the 'real' Danny plz.

So you are banning the real one because a fake one existed

Are you fucking retarded?

Good. Sick of everyone white knighting this faggot Danny Ross.

He can release whatever info he has on Twitter and it can be reposted here.

No need to be nice to him.

holy shit first interesting thing to happen in months and the retarded ass mods are trying to (((shut it down)))

jeeeezus christ

As much as I love to see a Jew exterminated, Danny really did nothing wrong here. Just ban the faker.

Why are the mods so incompetent and out of touch with the users?

Why the fuck would you ban him. The fucking mods here are clueless. If your scared of someone messing with your account then just quit because obviously this place has passed you by.

No one likes to be made a fool of.

If it's just one of these faggot posters, then he should be murdered and cummed on.

This niggah got too much inside data on my compound, fam.

He coulda got all of that info from archived posts that /u/DannyFromTheShow posted. Idiot used one of those apps (Shreddit) that replaces the text of the posts with a generic "I deleted this" message.

These apps are so stupid because you can still find them on The Internet Archive when you search by capture date.

It's true that I love sucking tranny cock and want him to come back home to fuck me in my ass, fam.

Lol, who cares? I've threatened to end all of your bloodlines several times and you gays are still here. Who cares what some loser types on the internet?

Also, a reddit ban is literally nothing. He'll be back with another account, especially if he prepared for it a few days prior to avoid the ban on new commenters. If you care, it's better to keep the crazies under control than to have them roam free and unchecked.

it's anuddah shoah

Who gives a shit

He’s the only reason worth checking out the sub tbh.

Banning him is just a pussy move. It doesn't stop him from reporting the sub if that's the goal.

Well hey his rebuttal in 5 days lol

Danny is fag!

https://i.imgur.com/pxHuAjt.jpg I hold this truth to be self evident; a Cumia wrote this!

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury:

What's not to believe? You have a man who's admitted to being at pedophile parties at the "Compound." (air quotes) Who would admit to that?

What's not to believe? You have a man who threw a temper tantrum after losing at a video game. Who would seek public attention after that? Most men would bury their heads in the sand.

Instead, our witness has come forward to accuse Anthony Cumia of pedophilia. Our witness is not a good man. Good men rarely witness acts of depravity. Good men actively avoid depraved environments.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, if these acts of pedophilia were committed in a crack house, and my only witness had a crack habit, would that make him any less credible?

I found my witness in the place hangers-on like him are found: a "Compound." (air quotes)

The same place I found the defendant, one Anthony Cumia.

The same man who've you all heard "will go as low as 13."

The same man in all those pictures with all of these barely legal girlfriends.

The same man who liked that young girl's Vines.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, what's not to believe? Do you think the acts of a man like this will be witnessed by the angels who walk among humanity, like Mother Teresa or Denny Falcone?

Or scumbags like Danny Ross?

Soon, you'll leave this courtroom for the last time. You'll walk down the hall and sit around a table. I expect you'll deliberate fairly, using the esteemed judge's instructions and nothing else but the evidence and the common sense you were born with.

I know that you'll reach a verdict. I know that you'll do justice. I know you'll unban the real Danny Ross.

Why is this still here and why is it an announcement?

Banning Danny and collecting 5 Gs. I would do the same.

Why is this thread still up way after the fact. I don't see it's purpose.

Lmao you even type like a cop