Why Kevin?

53  2018-03-10 by Der-Giftpilz


Jimmy Martinez with tits...LoL!!!

Kevin just retweeted that one


the last comment made me laugh

This might become a great show.

90% chance of them trading punches.

I like Kevin Brennan a lot, but I want nothing more than to see him punched in the face.

@kevinbrennan666 DVV DVV DVV

Why? I don't understand who this is?

Porn star, who looks like a ninja turtle, who wants to get into comedy. She’s a twat.

She's an Ninja Turtle-porn-artist, like Michelango or sumthin' tss...

If Kevin brings her on and dehumanizes her it would be a great way to go out

God I hope Kevin does the right thing and trashes this broad to her face. This has potential.

I hope Luis J. Gomez makes a surprise appearance and just hits her with a metal chair

Kevin Brennan rules


Because it will probably be a trainwreck that's worth watching. You just know Kevin won't keep his mouth shut.

Porn star, who looks like a ninja turtle, who wants to get into comedy. She’s a twat.