Hey, Brits, you are now arresting Americans and other Foreign patriots for going after your jihadis.....

0  2018-03-10 by WhippingHuskies

You guys are so fucked. You deserve Americans going there to spank you faggots and save you from yourselves again. How gay have you losers become? https://i.imgur.com/mXE2ZnV.png


I miss you so much brother. Please write a bunch of words about the imminent collapse and how the white man will rise again. We need you

The West is in major freefall at the moment. The Jew overlords have fucked up big time this time, and are going all out trying to silence the Goy. But we know. It's out in the open now. America must join forces with the Eastern White man and retake Europe, butchering all undesirables and repatriating them in the process, while torturing the race traitors in the streets.

I don't mean to alarm you, but israelis are in the process of breeding a perfect red heifer as prescribed in numbers 19 to bring about the purification necessary for the construction of the third temple. Just saying.

We'll have to stop them. The combined forces of my alcohol induced dementia and your psychosis is a powerful weapon. We'll make a mulatto Christ figure to save us all.

Sounds like a plan. Don't forget to smear lambs blood on the doorpost so we don't end up like chris kuhn


just saying if its a girl please dont let anthony near it

I would absolutely love to give Brittney my Pettibone if you know what I mean.

What I mean is I would like to penetrate her orally, anally and/or vaginally with my penis.

shhhuuurrreee you would, shhhhuuuurree.

No politics, faggot retard

WWWRRRROOOONNGGGG. I'm just reminding those snaggle tooth degenerates that dwell here how awful they are as a people and culture, and should be put out of their misery, and have their German Jew royals wiped out. Faggots.

Everyone involved in that tweet is an embarrassing faglord.

At least right wing activists and left wing activists have one thing in common, they're all faggots

Go oil your machine gun you Yankee Doodle fuck stick
