UPDATE: Matt Collins on twitter pretended to be Danny Ross on here (as u/TheBIueAwning instead of u/TheBlueAwning), PM'd me, screen capped and tweeted the conversation we had to Anthony.

24  2018-03-10 by TangerineReam

  • Handle: u/TheBIueAwning, https://twitter.com/MattCollins40

  • Stupid, cant-control-himself Anthony already tweeted about it, so the chances of him shutting this place down may be gone:



But I fucked up. I should've seen the "I" after the "B". I don't want to be responsible for shutting this place down, because I love it so much. Like a lot.

Matt Collins is obviously an Anthony ball washer, hiding under the guise of "getting the bounty". So if you want to go after him before he pussies out and deletes his shit, there he is. I'll take the beating I deserve before shutting down my account (or getting banned).

But before I do that I just want to tell you how much I love this place and everything you people bring to it. It's the only thing thats mattered after the end of O&A, and it's kept the spirit of underlining phonies alive. Brother Joe, Joe Derosa, Amy Schumer, O&A...all of these people have gotten the fucking beating that they've deserved, because they deserved it.

So I just want to say: Thank You. This place is the best. Keep it up.

Your Mom's Box and Peckahs.



Even worse, he's a proud boy.

This niggas really still trying hard over here: https://imgur.com/a/xlipS

Damn, he is white knighting his elderly crush hard.

If you love this place, then you'll know the tone of your post was very bisexual.

Oh I know Im a faggot, you don't have to tell me

This means war.

No worries we are not going anywhere lads ...

I hope not


I read this 3x over and I still don’t fucking get it.

Here's more from someone who's totally not a faggot rat: https://imgur.com/a/NcIXN

Actually, if Ant did pay him the $5k and we moved to r/Scorch, that'd be hilarious. But he'll never pay anyone, anyway.


Ah, a student of the Cumia method of emoji use.

This is probably the proudest moment of Matt's life.

Don't talk to people anymore, you're bad at it

your mother

This pathetic ballwasher PM'ed met too. As if we needed more proof Tony's sychphants are gigantic faggots: https://i.imgur.com/bl5YVvf_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium

Yeah it just read ball washer. Not bounty hunter

There is nothing on the sub it’s a pm message You were fucking around No basis to shut us down

Probably not, but its still embarrassing


Backup sub is in place we are good

We should get Anthony to sue him for libel for saying he fingered a 14 year old boy. Sue him good.

I see what you did there

Linda that hottie is suggesting Keith send in his cop buddies to investigate reddit.

Lol , I saw that

Two followers? HAHAHA HOLEEE SHIT back to obscurity with him

Well regardless of the status of this sub multiple media outlets were alerted to these accusations..I’m sure they will do a through investigation

What the fuck are you babbling about?

This idiot got trolled by another idiot so he decided to post how much of a dolt he is. I don't get it either.

But the two usernames are the same in that img. They’re both blue awning with an I instead of an l.

And who would honestly “negotiate” of behalf of a reddit sub? Absurd.

This whole thing is a work from top to bottom.

OP sucks. Cant see the difference between I and l , can you dummy?

I see no difference between those two usernames

Yeah, what even is this? It's a guy having a conversation with himself in different font colors as far as I can tell.

I don't even see where anyone is "caught" doing anything.

Oh boy are you dumb haha.

I mean the only thing anthony gained here is exposure as a rapist. Wow he sure got us

UPDATE 2: "Matt Collins" might be Linda Miller:



The only thing this has cleared up for me is that Linda Miller is very ugly.

real hunker of a nose on that one

You truly are a fucking retard.

Hi Matt Collins

Don't do that.

Go back to posting the weekly SJW posts instead.

im not allowed anymore

I need a tl;dr in 3 words or less

An account popped her a few days ago that looked like it was the real Danny, but who knows.

Then an impostor account pretending to be that account started PMing people trying to threaten them by claiming that he has already doxxed them but not actually showing any proof of that. Just some low effort troll but apparently some faggots here got scared by that, so it worked.

If anything, it inspired me to do the same to some of the losers here to maintain some level of quality.

chess not checkers bitch

Thanks. I miss a day on the sub and I come back to a trashfire. I need to check in more often to keep up with the drama

Oh it was "Matt Collins" was it? I should've known.

I don't judge. I will let the fake one fuck me in the ass while I suck the real one's dick, fam.

An account popped her a few days ago that looked like it was the real Danny, but who knows.

Then an impostor account pretending to be that account started PMing people trying to threaten them by claiming that he has already doxxed them but not actually showing any proof of that. Just some low effort troll but apparently some faggots here got scared by that, so it worked.

If anything, it inspired me to do the same to some of the losers here to maintain some level of quality.