Your mom died - go.

95  2018-03-10 by GangstaFag


"Well first off god isn't real, I mean how many animals can fit on a boat?" - just a taste Ricky Gervis stand up.

Hey guy, it's really brave to make fun of Christians in this day and age.

no gif? die in a fire you clickbait faggot.

When did dad walk out?

At the tender age of 24.

UK version sucked AIDS peen.

What do you expect? UK is second tier

To each his own. Jim prefers the UK version and I do too. The US version has so many episodes it's very hit-or-miss.

Which one did culture prefer and made everyone rich?

The UK version is much more prevalent, I saw it sold in Belgrade, Marakesh, and Bruges I don't think there's any question. Our version doesn't have that cringe factor the UK one had that Gervais pulled off so well.

Gervais is a piece of shit.

UK version sucked.