Hey u/TheBlueAwning: I think a lot of your Anthony and Keith stories are HORSEPUCKY

5  2018-03-10 by Every1ShouldBKilled

If you really saw this shit go down, you would've:

A: Told actual cops, not Keith the Cop. Because by witnessing it go down or hearing second-hand stories that can be verified to be accurate (as you claim they mostly are); you're still slightly complicit in what actually happened because you didn't say anything or try to, although you witnessed it or heard it from sturdy, reliable sources. I'm sure you realize that, and that you wouldn't want to be complicit in anything that happened in that house of horrors. Also...

B: Your not letting in enough humility due to your biases. Meaning: You have all these wild stories, but you also haven't addressed how distorted they might be in your recounting of them, or how they may be perceived on here, based around your pre-existing negative feelings for Ant and this sub. Also...

C: We would love to see him go down, but over actual things that - if they can't/won't be verified by people who were there - can be drawn out and reasoned in a rational way. You're mostly giving us second-hand eye witness accounts, on top of what you've already claimed to have seen; the second-hand shit is basically circumstantial evidence, and how can we believe what you've claimed to have seen actually happened? Not only do you hate Ant, but you're on the outs with this place. Why should we believe you? Because:

D: It just seems like you're letting loose a lot of wild claims just to get us to like you again, although I'm sure you'll disagree with that sentiment.

P.S.: Ant claims to have dirt on you TOO. Are you just throwing all this dirt on Anthony out there, so he doesn't get a chance to do it to you first?