I don’t think Ralph Sutton gets any hate. Let’s change that.

9  2018-03-09 by JohnnyFongoul


kelsey has a very oily face

He really does look like Vincent D'Onofrio as Edgar the bug from MIB.


He gets hate, you would just have to listen to that absolutely terrible SDR show so not many people do. A couple of episodes ago on legion of skanks Luis was talking about how Ralph was pouting in his living room because it was 11pm and people were still at his apartment which has a fucking podcast studio in it

If Big A had a son

Bigger B.

He's just a pieceful giant. He might not be good but he's not harming anyone.

They had Handsome Jim Norton in?

Don't even know who that is

Let's play a game

Who's ugliest


Need to take that whore down a peg.

Absolutely. You couldn't be more gimmicky and hack than wearing a cheerleader SHIRT. Forget about the whole outfit, what a lack of commitment to a shitty 1/2 second joke that you have to wear for hours.

what about that black girl next to her?

Who ?