The Opie Walking And Talking in NYC Show is actually pretty cool

0  2018-03-09 by sethrich69

Sure, it's cringe now, but give it a chance! He's just trying to figure out how to make something different in a new medium. The Opester was always in Howard's shadow in radio, but in this, he's finding a medium that he can define. It's actually really cool that he's doing this. Let him work it out.

At least it's something different. Jim and Sam are truly unlistenable. I think I've heard more Seinfeld references than episodes, and all of the guests on compound blow. Nothing is funny anymore it's just mindless content.

So fuck it, I'm ALL IN. Let's put up some FAWKIN NUMBERS.



Kill yourself

Sure, livestreaming in public can be fun, especially in New York, but Opie isn't and he will always suck at it.

but Opie isn't and he will always suck at it.

Did you want to be David Brent's mate?

It is fun watching him roam the streets and mumble to himself about conspiracies like a homeless bum.

Where are all these cunts-for-brains opie apologists coming from? Is this a new form of satire I can't relate to?

No one is apologizing, it's just an interesting turn in his career and I think he's being unfairly attacked. Sure, he did shitty things in the past - at least he didn't beat women, allegedly fuck children, and stay stuck in a racist xenophobic monologue for years. He certainly never stole $60,000 from us either.

He's just making a livestream, eating some sushi, checking out some snow and saying hi to the people. What's the big deal?

Sometimes I wonder if all his douchieness comes from years of being intimidated by the room. What's it like being the lowest man on the totem pole every day, while still being the name and face of the show? Stomping on the cake, Lady Di... all of it was just an effort to be cool. It seems like we're seeing the real him now. It's cool.

Is this a paid comment? Gregg is literally walking around and slowly slipping into mental illness while filming. He has zero funny.

What the fuck is wrong with you? The reason Opie is so hateable is exactly what you described, even in a room with shitbags Ant and Jim he's still far and away the biggest cunt present. Is your head okay?

I read this post as satire, was it not meant to be?

It only be good if it was called “Opie walking and talking into NYC Traffic”.

Is this a paid comment? Gregg is literally walking around and slowly slipping into mental illness while filming. He has zero funny.

What the fuck is wrong with you? The reason Opie is so hateable is exactly what you described, even in a room with shitbags Ant and Jim he's still far and away the biggest cunt present. Is your head okay?