Today Jim gave a long Future Jim speech about how there will be no 'gender' in the future because of cloning and 'artificial wombs'

149  2018-03-09 by -2017

When challenged, he said 'it's a lot closer than you think' and 'it's going to happen'

Later, when prompted if trannys are mentally ill/delusional, he said 'I don't know the science on that, I'm not an expert'

The thing I like about Jim is his integrity and consistency.


He also said something about creating babies using "computers" in the future.

Then later said we will still have sex organs but you will be "punished" if you draw attention to it.

Future Jimmy is the worst.

Sam tried to stop him, to his credit, Jim brushed it off 'Future Jim knows a lot more than some people think'

Passive Aggressive Jim is even worse than Future Jim

Soap Box Jim is my least favorite.

I dislike every part of Current Jim

Thin Jim is the cause of Current Jim.

I like to call him "slim jim" LOL

Yeah, me too because I'd like to snap into him with a flying elbow drop

When Prince Alan is blowing his load: Fap into a Slim Jim

Can we please start feeding Current Jim a diet of alcohol and cheeseburgers and abusive relationships?

Fuck he'd be so much funnier as an addicted abused fatso

He will be found hanging from a doorknob long before that happens

He also said something about creating babies using "computers" in the future.


Lol what makes you think that this won't be possible a few thousand years from now.

It's going to happen, I was just imitating the future Jimmy "wow"

Oh, my misunderstanding. Sorry for ruining the joke.

Well, because it doesn’t really make sense. Computers just do calculations, they don’t make things.

Could you, hypothetically, 3D-Print a baby? Well of course, that’s basically what a womb does now. But a computer couldn’t do it.

You are seriously out of the loop if you feel like a computer will NEVER create a baby.

A machine certainly could but not a computer. A computer is something that computes, it doesn’t fabricate anything. In an automated factory it’s not the computers assembling the products, it’s the machinery on the line.

Sorry for not being specific. I meant that the infinite progress of technology will lead to artificial babies.

That's essentially this episode of Star Trek The Next Generation. Jim is ripping off a 26 year old TNG episode.

I wish people would stop bringing up Star Trek and comparing it to real life situations. It annoys me, like in The Next Generation's "Relics" where Scotty follows Geordi around annoying him about how different engineering was back in his day.

That was Jim’s favorite episode.

"Yeah man, I don't know, there's a lot of new stuff. I mean, twenty years ago who would have thought that we'd have cell phones, or fifty years ago, cars?"

He actually said

"In the 1960's black people couldn't drink from the same water fountains, now we've had a black a president a black...uh... Condelezza Rice, a black woman whatever she did for Bush..what was she for Bush"

I listened to the fight Jim and Ant had over black panthers menacing voters at polling locations the other day. Jim has always been an overly cautious middle of the road faggot for a decade plus now. Virtue signaling is totally a thing and Jim Norton does it with the worst of them. What's worse is just how fucking indignant he can get with it, like way more smug and pompous than is tolerable. Long time fans have the perspective to gauge just how much of a sycophantic pozzed little faggot he's become. I would say worm instead of faggot, but worm is too endearing and faggot is so goddamn accurate in multiple ways..


She finally broke the mold after all the other white Condoleezza Rice's

He was in his 30s during Bush. She was the Secretary of State. How can adult man who’s job (then and now) is to get on the radio everyday and talk about current events not know simple shit like that. He really is stupid.

Jim has no redeeming qualities at this point. He’s just a retarded, boring old queer.

I hope near-future Jimmy is found in a 5 star Norwegian hotel bathtub with his organs removed.


"That's a tough one, man. I mean, I woke up in a bathtub full of ice and I'm cold, but I don't want to rack up international roaming minutes. Burr and Rogan told me they get a burner phone for their Europe trips that has a prepaid plan, but I don't trust the money changers to do the conversion from U.S. money. All it takes, dude, is one guy to motherfuck you and ruin your credit for life.

I have the new iPhone X, but can I use that as like, an extension to my landline? Those cocksuckers at Apple are still using regular phone lines and haven't invented anything since Steve Jobs died, but at least the would have come up with some universal 911 system.

Everybody on Twitter is saying I can call 112 and there won't be a charge, but I don't know if I trust that. Can I get an intern to check with the guys at the Genius Bar and see if I'll be charged for this? I mean, I'll give them a couple bucks, but I just don't want to be ripped off."

You should have made this longer.

Nah it is actually too long as it is.

that is, as they say, is the bit

And so was my reply. Way to miss it.

Reminds when Bobby or Colin called him an unfinished clone

You know what the sad thing is, society has gotten to the point that saying "I don't know wether transgenderism is a mental illness or not" would be considered hate speech.

Jimmy actually sounds downright reasonable compared to most people who would be like "NO OF COURSE IT ISN'T A MENTAL ILLNESS! FIRE THIS PERSON! RUIN HIS LIFE FOR SUGGESTING THAT!"

Of course, this could also be a result of Jimmy's habit of aggressively refusing to have an opinion...

deep inhale

That's a tough one, HappensHappen. Not trying to motherfuck you but there's two sides.

flails arms

If anyone says it's not a mental illness, would they also say those people who want to be paralyzed or have a leg cut off are also not mentally ill? They say the same shit trannies say, "I just feel like I'm not supposed to have a left leg."

Is that a genuine mental condition, though?

Body integrity identity disorder

Body integrity identity disorder (BIID, also referred to as amputee identity disorder formerly called apotemnophilia) is a proposed disorder in which otherwise healthy individuals perceive one or more of their limbs or organs as alien to the rest of their body and wish to have it amputated. BIID appears to be related to xenomelia and somatoparaphrenia.

The cause of BIID is unknown and it is unclear if it neurological, psychological, or both.

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he also said once we will do away with porn when “they” learn more about the brain and electrical impulses. we will all just be able to have intense orgasms on command. so Jim’s future is a bunch of androgynous, genital shaming clones, with no biological parents, who constantly cum.

'Imagine a boot stamping on a human dong forever'

That's Jim now.

Sounds great tbh

Jim's future fantasy.

Yeah that sounds like orgasm obsessed Jimmy. Not interested in being physically intimate with a woman ("woman"), not even interested in actual penetration, all he wants to do is cum.

Shit, I never thought about it before, but he's the same way with his autograph/celebrity photo obsession. That idiot has watched maybe three movies in the last 35 years. He doesn't watch TV, or listen to music, or read celebrity news (obviously, or his interviews wouldn't be so clueless). But he's head over heels obsessed with getting photos with these same celebrities, whom he otherwise does not interact with or get exposed to. Orgasms without sex sounds right up his alley.

All these big companies, they just write it off.

you don't even know what a write off is, do you?

Because "clones", which by definition, are replications of something former, would need to copy something which already biologically had no genitals... Right.

however you can have a base strand of DNA and then selectively alter it in a frankenstein-esque way (for lack of a better term), basically pasting new info on it...

there a goats with spider-DNA in them, that grow a certain type of wool that is to feature in military applications.

Well it will have to be the Japanese to do that. The Christian-based US was against even cloning a dumb sheep. And we all know the Japanese have a history of lack luster human rights, but great science. Especially since the Germans are pussies now.

It's gonna be China. CRISPR tech is already big there.

There are official/public programs and then there are dark programs, assumed to be 30-50 years ahead of the current official scientific standards.

About half the US defense budget is for 'black projects'. Also known as Special Access Programs, highly classified. Hillary is about to be exposed (to the mainstream) for selling specific SAPs to foreign actors.

You're talking about genes, not dna.

Genes are made of what?


You very fundamentally don't understand what you're talking about if that's your perspective. We can influence gene expression, but cannot alter dna.

Yeah but the development of sex organs are more complicated than the one or two structural protein needing to be modifed in your bexample.

Plus what exactly would be the market pressure that would cause us to remove genitals? Jim (and the whole I FuckingLoveScience crowd) don't seem to understand how it works.

sex organs are coded in the chromosomes, those are made up of DNA. No sex organ would simply mean the deletion of the chromosomal DNA strand and creating a provision for urination/defecation another way.

nobody is talking about literally ''one or two proteins'', sir.

Thanks for the HS bio lesson.

The genes aren't coded in a way that there is a "Brain chromosome" and a "genitals chromosome".

The DNA would need to be modified in such a way as to account for dozens of changes in transcriptional activators and repressors to account for the alteration of the tissue, as well as a way to create a new epigenetic landscape for these tissue.

Changing the production of keratin on a goat is a gene or 2 that would need modification.

Constructing changes to tissue are much more complex and have way too many off-target effects to be economically feasible without a serious pressure to do so.

Don't think too hard about it or you'll break your brain trying to rationalize dumbfuckery

Jim's just a regular Asimov, huh?

In the year 6000...

If man can make it by then...

nothing to eat and nothing to chew, a machine will do that for you

Jim started as a young male and is becoming something that is not a female, so he might be right.

Jim probably heard this in an interview or podcast, in passing, and is trying to parrot it to sound smart.

Unfortunately, Jim is a dumb drop out, and also a terrible actor.

and also a terrible actor.

Father Callahan says different. Now don't you feel silly?

He was insufferable today. “ when you look at a bug do you think about it’s gender” Jesus Christ

He basically describes the plot of brave new world. Which was meant to be a horrifying, torturous possibility.

All Jim and Sam have to do is be funny. I don't understand why that's so hard for them. When they first started they had some great moments, but that was short lived.

What a dumb idea. We have literally the perfect machines, women, to create babies and the way we activate them is by cumming.

Ironically, future Jimmy will still find a way to suck the penises of brown men.

Good thing he doesn't watch new TV shows

Imagine if he watch nigger mirror

So so media are bad mmkay

Does he actually read things to come up with this shit, or does he just make it up completely on the spot?

Jim has so much wrong with him, but expects the world to change so that what he is is normal. "Dude, once we've all been augmented by computers into androgynous lobster babies, nobody will shame us anymore for cumming on coworkers' breakfasts! It's happening sooner than you think!"

Pretty much all Future Jim predictions have to do with "quantum computers"

He's just copying rogan, fucking unoriginal worm

L Ron Norton and the future of mankind.

i.e. Jimmy watched Altered Carbon on Netflix last weekend

I hope jim dies soon so his legacy is "that guy that likes doodoo on his face"

When I log on here one day to see that Jim has died from full blown AIDS, I will take.a deep breath and utter a hearty RAMOOONNNE.

Jim is a technology wizard, just a few months ago he learned that a podcast can be played through a car’s stereo

Brave new world came out in 1932 and we still don't have robot wombs. Future Jim would bitch he was an alcoholic because he got alcohol fed in the fake womb to lower his IQ.

Jim: Here's what i predict. This is a future prediciton. Let's just say it's 500 years from now, let's say ray kurzweil was right. Let's just say for the sake of argument, human DNA has been 100% mapped and the brain has been mapped so we know how to save all thoughts - everything that makes anthony or sam who you are, and jim - we can save onto a computer hard drive. The mystery of god or all that shit has been figured out and we can upload everything we are into a hard drive because it's all electrical impulses, so let's say that could happen. Now we're already making body parts in 3d printers. We can't, um, y'know do a full body yet but let's just say 500 years from now we'll easily be able to replicate a full body exactly as it is in a printer, instantly. So what would... how hard would it be to have a body of yours replicated say 10 light years away and then have your fuckin... every piece of information about you sent and put into that fuckin body? And that sounds crazy...

Ant: Then what happens to you?

Jim: You just, I guar- I can picture you just kind of almost in a matrix thing, sitting in a chair like a place where your body would uh... would be and just wait for you to get back.

Ant (chuckling): "Wait for you to get back?"

Jim: I mean, I don't - well I'm sure they'll - that will be figured out. But it's not as crazy as it s- it sounds crazy, but it's not fuckin... yeah. It will be like changing clothes.

Ant: Right, they just beam your info across there.

Jim: Look at what's happening. Everything with these google glasses - everything we look at now let's just say again, go 100 years from now. Everything you look at is saved and captured and put on a hard drive. So every experience every human has is captured and saved on a hard drive, or captured and saved somewhere. And your thoughts are too because once we figure that shit out, it's no longer a mystery "Oh, the thoughts and the dreams!"

Ant: Oh my god.

Jim: It's gonna happen. Kurzweil was right, he's a fucking smart guy.

Ant: Yeah?

Jim: Yep.

Ant: You think so?

Jim: Yeah.

top fucking comment, choice

I can't stand when people say things like "it's a lot closer than you think" or "you'd be surprised". Would I? According to who, your retarded ass?

Enlightened Jim

I get the sense that Jim has skimmed "scientists predict that within the next 25-50 years x will happen" headlines but doesn't bother to read the content. That's the only way I can explain his weird half-assed sci-fi novel ideas.

It isn't "Future Jim" or "Soapbox Jim" or "Pop Culture Jim" you hate. It's just Jim. Even "Fat Jim" has aged like dairy products.

Jimmy is going to die of AIDS and/or loneliness way before Alexa learns how to talk dirty.

I wish him would go far far into the future. To around the age of his death.

Fucker wants us to be grey aliens.

Thin Jim is the cause of Current Jim.