Please be funny when you mock others...

0  2018-03-09 by Ceneibrie

At least if you are going to be haters, try to put some humor in there. It kinda takes away from your point about how unfunny someone has become when you rehash (poorly) the same tired insults. WE HEARDDD YOUUU!

With Opie, can you stop with the Bam jokes and Man-boob jokes? We get it, his wife wasnt a virgin when she got married and Opie is packing a solid B, Heard you the first thousand times over the last ten years. You add nothing.

With Ant, you arent breaking ground with the racist jokes. And Ant really likes younger girls? Wow, amazing insight!

With Jim and Sam... wait, wait, Jim is gay and Sam is boring ??? Wow!

Let's try to step it up a little. I think a clever joke can make a much bigger impact during your trolling.



Sam isnt just boring, He is also ugly.

I think they're really small C's.

Opie is bad at radio.

Opie is bad at radio

Opie sucks at life.

A Stern fan isn't going to walk in here and tell us how to not run our community into the ground.

No sir!

leave and never come back

You're surprised the most vitriolic sub-group of this show's fanbase are a bunch of non-funny, stupid people who think devoting their lives to blatantly insulting people is humor?

Did you not pay attention every time Opie went to the phones?


You first, queer. I didn't chuckle once reading that essay, you can complain about the sub contributions when you yourself contribute.

Wasn't supposed to be funny. I was just annoyed reading the same old jokes while take a crap. Between first plop and the wipe it would be nice to see something original and/or funny. I did laugh at being called a queer and my post being called an essay, so bravo.

I was just annoyed reading the same old jokes while taking a crap.

I know what you mean. If you do a dead-on Rocco impression on here everyone just thinks you're doing a Bob Kelly because that's the only joke anyone does. "DUUUUUUUDDDEEEE"

Sam says “zero” weird and Artie tends to repeat stories... discuss gang

How’s that??

You forgot how we convinced a sizable portion of the internet that Patton Oswalt killed his wife and that Joe Cumia is a racist child molester.

Who the fuck are you?

It HAS to be Opie.

You be more funny, bitch.

I guess you forgot to laugh. chomp

I honestly wish I was fucking strangling you right now.

I did enjoy the giant Hebrew boobs (not Opie's) that were being posted last week though, and the giant head pics of Sam are wonderful.

Does anyone remember laughter


I'll try my best...I hope you get slammed in between two busses yet somehow remain alive long enough for family to come say goodbye but you die before they arrive.

Get it????

haha, I didn't mean to hit a nerve fellas, just thought maybe you were getting a bit lazy in the joke department. I appreciate the feedback!

You are more boring than anyone you have a problem with.

I wasn't referring to you, you have "peckah" in your name so it is obvious you are a real hoot. And adding "nator" to the end is just that fresh comedic gold that I am looking for.

Get out faggot, I don’t see you producing any funny content or comments.

You're the real problem here

This is awful. It's like yelling at homeless people on the streets while live streaming it awful.

I don't think you truly understand the group of people you're dealing with. We aren't here to make YOU laugh you pompous self-important asswipe. We're here to make noone fucking laugh, and make sure every comedian we've ever liked knows they aren't funny anymore and will more than likely never be funny again.

As soon as a new comedian comes around who might remotely be funny, we'll destroy them too. Why? Cause fuck them that's why.

You aren't funny, you're an over-apologizing rant creating cocksucker with Opster level self-grandiosity.

Yeah well your a faggot and i hope u die of infection