Gregg has big juicy boobs.

42  2018-03-09 by SpudsCuckley


That’s one tiny little mug next to Opie. Who is that little fella?

That's Martin Klebba, he was in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Didn't know he was an O&A fan!

Pre-HGH Anthony was funny and entertaining

His body used to have a Dale Gribble quality. Now he's just got a giant, lumpy head.

Opie blames fatherhood for letting himself go and developing tits but this was years before Hudson and he was already quite busty

Anthony with a bud lite!?


he should wear a button down shirt

Is that Rogan on the left?


That's Peter Dinklage

Opie actually has a “PRIMUS” shirt on and the P and R are hidden behind his right titty.

Opetta had a big brown beaver.

Why the insistence on medium t shirts?

Sorry, I'm too distracted by the Aryan Adonis on the far right. I can see why he's so proud of his Scandinavian heritage!

Get a load of 'dose BEEFERS.

coulda been a bra model

That was more than a decade ago, imagine how juicy they are now.

“IMUS” actually stands for “I’M Utter Shit”

I thought it said 'ANUS'

Remember Opie used to always make like he was some fit, athletic machine without an ounce of body fat with all of his stories about rollerblading and cycling?

Lying dork.

Evidence that your 'golden era' of O&A was really cringy douchebaggery.

Rogan is such a gimp.

I thought it said 'ANUS'