Someone summarize "Horace and Pete" for me

10  2018-03-09 by Single_Action_Army

I heard it was genuine pretentiousness from that fat ginger faggot but I can't bring myself to watch it even "for da goof."
What were some episodes? What made it so cringey?


Jim Norton wasn’t in it, so he won’t support Louis anymore.

Well "under the right circumstances" he will

The acting alone.....masterpiece.

From everyone's description of it to the actors involved (besides dipoalo) to the plot and setting it is pretty much an audio visual method of smelling a milk fart

so it's sexy??

Fat gay Louis on his social high horse being fat and gay

I imagine him watching a play for the first time and thinking hes the first person to have the idea of filming a show like a play.

On O&A once he talked about The Piano Teacher like he'd discovered a secret, and they all sounded like children who were dumbfounded that a film would show a woman going from work to sniffing cum tissues in peep show booth in a single shot without explanation.

Thats hilarious. I remember that time Louie was on. Louie is extra pretentious but still kinda dumb and Tits and Tran are just plain dumb and uncultured so of course theyd have no idea what the piano teacher is and would be impressed by Louie. That reminds me too of Tits always being impressed by Rogans nonsense stoned ape theories.

gay and queer

I only watched some short clips online but it seemed like a soft reboot of Cheers if it was directed by an art school freshman.

It's a good idea, but CK is not a great writer, so it felt very odd. It felt like he was copying some great person, but it wasn't something created out of nothing. Great actors on it, sans the Mexican.

It exists and costs money

Louie saw Play for Today and remade it badly.

It’s “Louie” in a bar. If you like to laugh, be prepared to slap those knees!

Its not super hilarious or anything but Calling a black guy a nigger is pretty edgy.

In one episode Louis pulls down his pants in front of the female bar patrons and starts frantically jerking his pud

Hipster Cheers.

The zenith of Louis's faggot new yorker phase.

I liked it.

This pretty much sums it up.

Leeza Treager.

It was boring. I watched three episodes and tapped out.

I couldn’t even get through half of the first one.

I liked the one clip where Metzger referred to pregnant women as "baby houses". That was pretty funny.

It's really good, but definitely not a comedy. It's a tragedy.

Self indulgently written. Brilliantly acted.

Well "under the right circumstances" he will

so it's sexy??