"How can we make the most grating, irritating television segment ever conceived in the history of mankind?"

45  2018-03-08 by -2017


Ashkenazi udders!


I forgot 'seemingly psuedo-intellectual, but in fact really just super gay'

Don't worry, we'll make sure it's in your obituary.

Hell yeah, dude.

Buried that cawk sucka

Everyone in this photo is gay

...said by you every time you take a selfie.

All joking aside, Jared is NOT GAY. I’ve fulfilled my legal obligations. Draw your own conclusions. We good?

Wouldn't the subject in his statement have to be singular since it's a selfie?

Thanks for proofreading, ya queer.

It's moreso that your joke sucked

No you do

Takes one to know one

I know you are but what am I

My boyfriend? B==> - - - - -

I thought you were defending your boyfriend this whole time.

Quit playing hard to get.

I ain’t no cheap slut like your namesake.

Oh great. Blinky McBlinkfuck will be fidgeting the entire time and reciting facts and opinions of other people.

That's what the commonality of language is for.

While on his cellphone

I would only watch if Khazar Milkers is there.

You & me both, anti-semite.

Is it going to be a debate about who's shorter and more annoying?

No. It is not going to be that.

Thank you for clarifying that.

Hate him or hate him Crowder is doing very well and his online show is floating between quarter to half a million views with the occasional viral video in the millions.

9 Year old beauty vloggers get 10 times that number andthe still piss the bed


Somewhere on Long Island, Ant's pedo-sense is tingling.

You would think with all those viewings Ant would have taken their beauty advice by now.

I fucking hate Crowder but will admit he does a better show than Anthony.

So does Bocetti. Not a tough standard to adhere to.

That's such a tough barn to surpass

Those ASMR chicks that tap on shit for an hour get two or three times that. He is an irrelevant twat outside of the MGTOW, alt right faggot crowd.

He's neither of those two things, though.

It's free? I thought he was part of the same thing Gavin joined.

One episode a week is free, as well as clips from episodes behind the paywall.

Damn, 1.4 million subs is pretty damn great. It shows you what can be done on Youtube and this guy didn't start off famous or as a comic/actor, right? It's always good to see that regular people can practice some skills, improve over time and eventually become big like that, even if they're not our cup of tea.

He’s a failed comedian who gives off “will say/do anything to stay relevant” vibes tbh

Sounds like failing up to me! How can I get in on that? :p

It's not often Jim Norton is the straightest man on the bill.

I tried listening to Crowder on Rogan recently. He was so hopped up on Adderall it gave me a migraine to hear him talk. Needless to say I tapped out.

Remember that FedEx commercial Ben Shapiro did?

I'd watch this to see Jim get smashed by a "real" smart person

what a maroon

No you wouldn't

Yes I would


Who's the smart person?

obviously you

with this master set up to spew your stupid political beliefs

go on now, tell me why your so smart

/u/Osca_rg comment?

What? Crowder and fucking Ben Shapiro are smart people now? I don't even disagree with the a lot of what they say and can tell you that they're figurehead retards.


everything is a conspiracy maaan

I actually have no idea what you mean by conspiracy. Like I get what you're doing, but I just think those two aren't very intelligent people. Compared to Norton maybe, but that's an easy comparison to make.

People here actually enjoy Ben Shapiro?

Hes not entertaining but he be right n stuff

About a bunch of stuff sure. But let's all not pretend that Jimmy's going to be in the realm of brilliant people. He's just some stupid Jew.

Jimmy isnt jewish

I mean Doogie Shapiro graduated Harvard Law at what? 12? Disagree all you want, he's certainly not a retard.

I'd like to here Ben and Jim discuss transsexuals

Personally, I don't want them here.

When Ben Shapiro is the most masculine person in the room there is sure to be faggotry.

Can't wait to never watch this.

Why are the guys on the left making those faces?

It's a wild show.

Crowder is a fucking faggot. Plain and simple.

I wonder how many times Jim will check his phone during his segment ?

I'm predicting it now - Jim Norton will get in an argument with Shapiro. If there is one thing Jim can possibly get enraged with it's a condescending sounding person that is younger than he is. If they delve into trans issues there is going to be a tepid, lame fight.

Shapiro would quickly expose the Worm for the high school dropout he is.

Wait, do you think they’ll talk about the echo chamber on the left?

Don't you think people should be able to be offended though?

"We're four guys.."

Is Ben Shapiro a comedian or a banker?

He laughs his way to the bank.

Great idea for two guests together.

It won't be enough to redeem this ad you both decided to use. I can only imagine you cringy looking fucks are saying something super cool like "Look how cute we are!" Or "we're the wackiest!". I sincerely hate both of you with a real, watch out & add extra security kinda hatred.

I curse your show, and hope you both develop ultra debilitating migraines that continually intensify steadily until everyone you both love die from whatever social disease both have. A quarantine must be instituted right away.

I disavow

Lol I uparrowed the post. Gong to watch the show, I might like it. I just ribbed those guys based on their appearance.

Nonsensical for people fans of comedy from the comedians supported in this board to be legitimately offended by something like that, posted here. I disavow you sir. I support comedy. I also make fun of comics, people, things. Fuck your disavow.

Metaphorical cuck - Jew - Literal cuck


I can't hate Crowder. Yeah he's a gay youth pastor but I enjoy some of his vids.