Anyone need gift idea for International Women's Day?

8  2018-03-08 by Der-Giftpilz



Ant has one to fit a teen boy's head. It's bolted into the floor next to his Xbox.

A stainless steel spreader bar


“I am very fond of ladies, I like their beauty, I like their delicacy, and I like their silence.” --- Dr Johnson

You may be familiar with Dr Johnson's invention, the "Dictionary" - a guide not to the spelling or meaning of words (that came later), but to the pronunciation of words (hence the "Diction" in its name).

My point is, he was a great man who changed the English-speaking world by studying and recording people's voices ( a genuine scholar of the spoken word); but his fondest wish for the fairer sex was that they should shut up for five God-Damned fucking minutes.