I'm confused about what others think of Jim and Ant

13  2018-03-08 by TedShecklerEmporiums

Before checking out the reddit, everyone seemed to love Ant and Jim based on YouTube comments and Twitter. After checking out this sub reddit however, seems like everyone is bashing Jim calling him an unfunny hack and Ant for being overly into politics and race. What's going on?


Well what's going on is that Jim is an unfunny hack and Ant is overly into politics and race.

Haha alrightt. Why is everyone saying that about Jim though? He was hilarious on O&A (I know his stand up is awful though) has he changed?

Has he changed

Dude there’s no way you can think the Jim on J&S is the same guy who was on WNEW and SXM when they first went to Satellite. He’s boring AF now

Jimmy is nowhere near as funny as he was back in the early XM days. Most of the shit he said back in the day would probably get him fired today.

Ant used to be funny and be into Politics as well. Now he's just into politics. It's all just ranting about libtards with a few Jaws impressions sprinkled in there coma along with the 900th telling of the story of how he lost his virginity to a girl named Buzz

Have you not listened to jim and sam or anytime jim is on someone’s podcast?

Also Anthony is a pedophile.

This is true. If he wasn't a pedophile, he would pre-emptively appear on a fake court show to declare that he wasn't.

I don't even care if he is, I just wish he was still as funny as he was.

You can always kill yourself.

Cool dood being moral on reddit

But remember Joe Cumia is not a pedophile

we cant be happy

Well.. we CAN be happy, but if we were, that would make us very unhappy.

I heard you

I can feel you breathe

This sub has just finally woken up to the fact that they're both hacks, and it's completely embarrassing to listen to old shows given they're both phony hacks.

They stopped trying to be funny for several years now. And it also doesn't help they fuck children.

We're some woke mofos brotha-man! (Brotha-man brotha-man)


And let’s not forget trannies

How did your parents die?

what happened to the groceries?

The opinions on them are mixed and change depending on where you look. On Twitter they've already blocked everyone who says anything bad about them, so only the ballwashers are left there.

YouTube comments are for people who have just find out about them, they don't know enough about them to be aware of the bad stuff.

And here's Reddit where everything goes. This is where the "haters" congregate.

I like to be call an "aficionado of funny"

"I like to be call an "aficionado of funny""

What are you talking about? Who's talking about funny?

"This is where the "haters" congregate."

I'm not a hater, I just know what is funny and what isn't, faggot.

Sorry, I thought you were mocking me there for a second. Not that I don't deserve it, but this would've been an odd post to start at.

Don't ever ask us about our business, Kay.

Don't ever downvote our stupid movie references, Kay.

Anthony is still funny, but often chooses not to be. He got lost.

Norton is no longer funny as his comedic ability was apparently stored in his fat cells.

He got lost

I got lost...?

I got lost...?

I got lost...?

I got lost...?

I got lost...?


They're bisexual. Possibly with each other; but definitely with Sue Lightning and Princess Alena.

A lot of ex fans who used to love the show but are not happy everyone went their own way so they decided to listen just to hate. Pretty sad.

I dont even listen, I just hate. Sadder.

I don't even hate, I just sad. Listener

I don't even

I'm done with Jim Norton.

The interview he did where he threw Louie under the bus and said pc comedy is the future was unforgivable

If only Patrice to as here to call him out on his bullshit.

Was that about Louis sexual misconduct? Do you have a link?

You can find it yourself Mr downvoter

Well I never!

Coupla fags


We love to hate.

And hate to love.

Like Jim loves trannys.

And Ant hates the blacks.

That was neither interesting nor rhyming. I can only give it 4 out of 5 stars.

I have to keep my reddit posts clean and politically correct, in case I run for President in 2040.

I'll try and explain it: they're the comedy equivalent of the 38-year-old overpaid NHLer, who was amazing back in 2007 but utter trash now.

The difference is that comedy and personality should not wither away like athletic talent. Yet both actively shun the comedy that made them so damn popular in the first place.

Angry Jimmy going on a rant about how he wants to punch a deer in the face? Now we have fence-sitting Jimmy, glued to his cell phone, afraid to take controversial stances, taking the side of dumb angry porn stars over Dennis Quaid. Essentially doing the Sam Roberts show where only "acceptable" targets (like the show staff) get mocked and all guests are treated with respect. Even when he accidentally insults a guest (like asking Dylan McDermott about his dead mother), the awkwardness is not dwelled on because who wants to listen to that on radio. Let's switch the subject to Dylan's new show where he plays a pilot.

Anthony essentially stopped having to play by "the rules" - some boss that can keep him on a leash, financing his own network and his own show where he answers to absolutely nobody. Result has been awful: we really see he's just a racist old asshole that really does spend all day long obsessing over how much he hates the blacks. He also stopped being able to take a joke, doxxing and putting bounties on members of this sub and denying shit with obvious lies. For example, around the time of the People's Court thing, publicly saying that him and Joe never said anything remotely racist on social media, and any racist tweets were photoshopped by this sub. He's become like Brando in Apocalypse Now: a small but passionate fanbase lead by a guy just charismatic enough to build his cult. Honestly, if Ant would just laugh off or ignore the shit this sub does (like Jimmy does most of the time) people would still like him a lot more.

Jimmy stole that "want to punch a deer" bit from Louie "The Yambag Manipulator" C.K.

Wow thanks a lot for that explanation. I honestly couldn't keep up with all the events and can't stand Sam's voice so I don't know how his show and Jim is going

It a shame. They had everything but I guess it's exhausting to keep going for that long


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We're a very strange group of people in an echo chamber of targeted hate

I guess we forgot to laugh.

"You have no effect on our lives".

We know they read this sub constantly so we're constantly trying to prove them wrong just to say we did. That's literally 100% of the explanation.

I post on sports forums where it's virtually the same thing. They know teams and media read it so the agenda is a hardcore all-in attempt to get the coach or the GM fired so they can say they were responsible. Any slight deviation from the agenda is met with a flood of downvotes.

This is hilarious.

Just picturing someone who knows o&a, then visits here like 'why do you guys hate them so much?', and everyone just says 'because theyre all tranny-fucking pedophile hack faggots'.

None of that is false

Weeeeeell, let’s see. Ant runs a pedophile ring at his Compound, where they bring 16 year olds and get them drunk. Anthony also beats women. He’s convicted for it. He’s openly a full on racist and a gun nut (who has no guns, beccause the judge which he puts all his effort into and has no time to be funny anymore. He fucks trannies but denies it.

Jim is a fucking worm bitch that can’t put his phone down long enough to focus on doing his job... namely being funny.

He’s also gay.

The end.

Jimmy is an unfunny hack and Ant is some kind of goul now that's pretty much lost any connection to pre-fired Ant. They all fucking suck

Jimm was never funny to me. I always felt back in the day Louie, Bill Burr, Patrice, and Colin always thought he was a hack. The only reason I ever listened to the show was Anthony and the guests. Opie I never paid attention too much, and Jimmy just annoyed me. Now listening back Opie is fucking terrible, and Jimmy tries way too hard. Also, thought Jimmy was full of shit in a lot of his childhood stories.

You can always kill yourself.