Does anyone have a rundown of all the accusations Danny made recently

30  2018-03-08 by LOSfan

It all seems like it was swept under the rug


Ant fucks kids and has Pedo parties at the Cumpound.

Everyone involved with both AA and JS know about it.

Ant got blown by Richard.

wait how does Danny know for sure Richard blew Anthony lol

Danny is Richard

almost, it's Danny's father. Richard Rosenstein.

Finale is einhorn

"Reliable source" whatever that means.

Why would I blow up my sources spot get real loser

Travis kicked a blind intern, Opie is an egomaniacal, cheap piece of shit

Opie is an egomaniacal, cheap piece of shit

whoa! when the heck did this happen?!

he blew the doors off with that one.

I didn’t know that he brought up Travis kicking Blind Stevie in the nuts again? Oh well. He sure brought up a lot.

this danny sounds like a real party pooper

Jimmy fucked travis’s Wife

I can't believe I forgot that one.

Who the fuck is Richard?

A straighter man than you from Tranths past.

Jeeb jeeb jeeb backwards is.....

Beej beej beej..

Did Danny cop to killing the one true savior or nah

Jews are not an ethnicity

Will call you an anti-semite at the drop of a hat

Jews not an ethnicity

What are they then? A club?

I think Jews are a different species altogether, like you have humans, and then you have ducks, and then you have Jews.

And then you got your gib-ons

Yeah an then you got your gib-offs asumpthin tssss

We are pretty reptilian, but then again I'm only 2/3rds kike, so I'm warm blooded

You're a good guy bubby

I thought Jewish was a religion. I've never heard of an ethnic group with an assigned specific religion before. But I've met black jews. I'm confused

Technically both can be true.

Bunch of child fuckers

Club Soda Kenny was in the rat squad.

Keith, Jimmy, Travis all know Anthony had underaged kids at his parties and that Anthony provided them booze. Some dude, I forget which, sat on a couch next to a 14 year kid and in plain sight of everyone started rubbing her pussy through her pants.

While he cannot attest to Jimmy raping a passed out underaged girl in the studio years ago, he can confirm Jimmy was aline with her behind closed doors after she passed out.

That second story is horrific if its true


Rat squad?


Why are you fags doing everything you can to avoid just saying "internal affairs" to be clear to foreigners who don't know what you're talking about

"IAD", "rat squad" stop trying to show off that you know slightly more police jargon than the average citizen. Faggots

I was quoting what Danny said, Jackass.

Jimmy has admitted to having unprotected sex with a drunk girl during the day in question. Are the people over at Netflix aware of this?

Link please?

It was Kurt Love

What happens in the Ron and Fez office stays in the Ron and Fez office

What is a movie theater molester?

That's where you molest a 14 year old girl in your basement movie theater.

Didn’t he also bring up that Travis married Jimmy’s sloppy seconds as the woman who was eventually going to be his wife came down to the studio to hook up with Jimmy?

That Kurt Love story - whoa.

Keith asking the parents of one of Ant’s young GFs if they were ok with a 17y/o dating a 50 something year old man. And Keith being mad about it because he has a daughter that age but still soldiering on with Ant.

Keith heard Ant call his daughter a nice piece of ass too

Where can I listen to/ read this?

You won't see any denials about any of this because it's all true.

Given there's been radio silence from them all. Ant is very reactionary to this type of shit since he's watching it all the time, it only bolsters your claims more.

None of these monsters and those that enable them should be laughing and having a good time I'll make sure of that.

I don't know why you just don't drop your whole nuclear arsenal about EVERYTHING.

Ant's got a pic of you in drag? Frankly, who gives a fuck. I'd like to see one person that hasn't done stupid shit in their past they now regret.

Your being threatened by a man that actually takes it up the ass for twinks.

What's more nuclear than molesting 14 and 16 year old girls in your basement.

True. Did you have anything left that you hadn't already put out there yet?

Let's see well Anthony allegedly date rape the girl in Chicago I say allegedly because I don't know for sure. Keith was the one to tell me how incredibly drunk and resistant she was And as a matter of fact he was the one to use the word rape in the first place.

Christ. I've often wondered why he just didn't pay for pussy, but then remembered he prefers children.

I don't know if you've been asked already, but what made you come back recently to get all this out there?

Everyone that has ever worked with Danny says he's a liar.

That's EVERYONE, not just people from the show. He even got a cease and desist from Rockstar Games. And I loved how Lazlow said he tried to apply at Rockstar San Diego.

Shh, let the menstruating women have their gossip.

You're right though. Danny's an outrageous liar and the fact that some people on this sub are taking his attention whoring seriously is frankly disappointing.

Imagine being so desperate for gossip about a long dead radio show that you'll entertain an obnoxious lying Jew.

They get burned by him every single time.

He'll either start commenting drunk, try to scam them out of money, or just be the overall shithead we know he is.

scam them out of money,

Well, it IS in his genes.

You're right though. Danny's an outrageous liar and the fact that some people on this sub are taking his attention whoring seriously is frankly disappointing.

He said in one post the thing that really drove him away was that Ants other friends just annoyed him and Periscope-ing got on his nerves. In another, he say he and everyone else knows Ant is a fullblown kiddydiddler, and that's why he can't respect anyone who still associates with him.

So either he lied, or was a-ok with palling around a child rapist right up until the rest of the clique got on his nerves too much.

He didn’t like Ant’s hanger-on friends who all they did was play poker in the basement.

yeah, or poke him. tss

It actually is starting to piss me off how some of the faggots on this sub keep engaging that stupid, delusional, lying kike.

Your right we should spend our time defending Anthony

did I say that?

Anthony comfirmed some of the shit years ago when danny first showed up here.

He is a liar, but the rockstar thing turned out to be true. He revealed they were making red dead redemption 2 like 1+ year before they announced it

Yeah but that's not what he was fired for.

True, he spoiled it after he was fired

You're telling me Rockstar was making a sequel to a successful game? Thank god Danny was around or we never would've found out.

While Danny is most likely embittered and prone to hyperbole, it should be duly noted that /u/DeafandMutePenguin is not only a Compound Media sub moderator, but he also berates his users as faggots for unsubbing to Ant's shitcast and worse still has deluded himself into thinking Anthony flew male prostitute Sue Lightning out to play videos games and not buttfuck him. This ballwasher is out to white knight Ant 24/7.

but he also berates his users as faggots for unsubbing to Ant's shitcast

I don't care if anyone unsubs. If you make a post that says "I unsubed and here's why" you're a faggot because we've heard it 100x before.

worse still has deluded himself into thinking Anthony flew male prostitute Sue Lightning out to play videos games and not buttfuck him.

All I asked for is proof.

This ballwasher is out to white knight Ant 24/7.

If you call Ant a pot marked faced racist alcoholic I will laugh along with you.

If you say CM media is failing, he fucks Sue, or he sleeps with 14 yr olds I'm going to ask you for proof and if not given any I will deride you as living in a fantasy land.

But I will say this. Christopher Barton sounds like the name of a gay rapist!

You're just jealous that the u/TheBlueAwning was so close to the jock you so badly want to ride. You listen to full episodes of A&A multiple times and should be gassed.

If you pay for the AA show you enable a pedophile and a heroin addict.

Is that Danny? His comments here souns just as girly as Danny

LOL, ok.

You can go back to my comments when Danny was still on the show. The dude was an ass and always had fights because nobody liked him.

"Fred from Brooklyn's wife cheats on him". "Opie was the worst". "Anthony is assuredly pedo". "Travis married Jim's leftovers". "Keith the Cop cheats on his wife."

...NONE of these revelations are actually surprising or bombshells. But since they somewhat tread on your sworn Sue-fucking savior is why you feel the need to refute them.

I didn't refute them. I said you shouldn't trust Danny Ross.

Unless.... do you think he really is being stalked and needs money to stop it?

Why would you believe anything some bitter, jilted kike says about his former followers

He claims the holocaust happened.


He says that despite Ant’s denial, he did in fact have a romantic tryst with one Joey Buttlicker.

-all of Ant's girls wanted him. And he fucked the last one that ant never did. -Travis's wife was a paltalk groupie who fucked jimmy -he covered for Travis when he kicked Stevie in the nuts then Travis confessed and made him look like a liar -Fred from Brooklyn's wife cheated on him with a grocery store employee -Keith is disgusted by ant and reported his relationship to the young girl's parents from the weird family picture -Keith cheats on his wife all the time

God I hope the Fred from Brooklyn story is true.

sillygooseoncam was her paltalk username

He alleged that Dr. Steve providea Anth with a xanny scrip.


That's pretty disappointing if true

Its disappointing that Danny would tell

Anthony has a serious case of Keratoconus.

What? Really?

Look thru the link for the “blue awning” comments. That’s Danny.

ASIDE: Vos should always get paid less since he's less talented than everyone else.

So he's gone again already?

He accused Anthony of being a selfish lover, then he parroted old O&A by asking if the beer we got drank pretty good or not.

@theblueawning. They constantly talked about how "real" their show was compared to most radio. Were there radio personalities simply exaggerated versions of their real personalities or were they just as fake as other radio guys when the mics went off?

Did he ever find out who was sending him mice?

Ant is black.

Keith heard Ant call his daughter a nice piece of ass too

yeah, or poke him. tss

Where can I listen to/ read this?

You won't see any denials about any of this because it's all true.

Its disappointing that Danny would tell

I pay for a product I enjoy. If you don't like it that's fine. Don't pay for it.