Why is Erock such a boring cunt?

18  2018-03-08 by Ant_Sucks


The linked tweet was tweeted by @erockradio on 2018-03-08 06:11:28 UTC

Finally got to see #ThorRagnarok Better late than never. Was really good! #BlackPanther next.

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It really is pathetic. Don't even get me started with his lame Simpsons references.

Always hated this lazy fat oversensitive fat piece of shit.

Gotta counter you on "oversensitive." Erock took BEATINGS and he just sat there like a tubby lil' champion. Someone like Danny couldn't take a ripping because he was genuinely oversensitive.

he took beatings from his bosses because he's a spineless piece of shit. Fuck him, he was never good

He stepped up for the plate when it came to shit like Cinco de Mayo and the World's Greatest Treats. Don't get me wrong, he's not talented and he's a lazy bore, but he's a trooper all the same.

I remember the fat fuck would just sit there and be pouty and non-responsive when he was the target. Yeah, like it's everyone else's fault he's fat. Or constantly taking sick days and lying about the reason.

Thor was alright. Seen Black Panther yesterday and it was alright as well. Wasn't life changing but there wasn't a black person in the theater so maybe i didn't fully experience it.

For being THAT type of movie, I was surprised how funny it was.

I love action movies, but there isn't many very good action comedies out there nowadays. Can't even remember the last great one.

midnight run

There has to be one more recent than that. First Lethal Weapon? Boondock Saints? ShootemUp?

Boondock saints sucked a dick

I disagree, but it has become a douchey frat boy anthem thing now and it does diminish it.

You want an action movie that sucks a dick, "Paparazzi" is a prime example. Such a wish fulfillment for the guys who made that piece of shit.

I watched paparazzi last week actually. I was drunk, but I enjoyed be "She's All That" vibe of it.

that one a few years ago with the 70s theme with russell crow and the gosling kid i think?

Yeah, that's The Nice Guys. Good movie, just not sure I consider it much of an action movie.

The Nice Guys was pretty good.

I was just thinking, I'm not sure I entirely define that as an action movie, but that movie is awesome. Shane Black is about close to anti-hollywood style you can get in Hollywood.

Except for when they hired him to write and direct Iron Man III

I still never sat down and watched that. I think his tone is too abrasive for a world like that - shame, because he and Downey were great in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but he was NEVER going to full freedom under the Marvel regime.

What the fuck is going on here. This isn't Inside the Actors Studio. You two get back to hating the world at once.

You forgot vague. Vague, boring cunt.

"Was really good!"

Could not be more vague, what a twat.

honestly Erock is as hateable as anyone else we complain about. He really deserves more venom.

As much as I shit on Danny, if he says Erock was a nightmare to work with, I completely see why.

I never liked him. I never thought he was funny or entertaining, he was a fucking bore with zero improv skills. (I know he wasn't hired for on-air talent, but..still)

Erock may be detestable but at the very least when he was on air you knew Ant or Jimmy would make it funny. Meanwhile, Ants cockholder Danny was a completely worthless parrot fake tough guy tranny looking cunt.

Fair enough

I fingerblasted a chick in the theater at this movie.

That Aussie boy really boils her potatoes, eh?

Why are we picking on poor Erock all of a sudden? Look, you can say he’s childish. Or lazy. Or fat and slovenly. Or unemployed. Or that he stole lottery winnings from his coworkers. Or… Wait. Where was I going with this?

Tyrone fucks his wife so hard all his little toys fall off the shelves in the next room.

Was alot of fun.

literal soyboy


whose idea was it to ditch thor's aryan locks and give him a crew cut?

Get upset over men's haircuts often?

what you tryin' to say, fella? i'm some sort of queer?

And he loses an eye so you might have to find another man crush.

the story, if you haven’t caught on by now.

when characters undergo serious changes, the new hair is a reflection of it. Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Marvel movies, they all do it.

It’s either that, or another Jewish conspiracy, like everything else.

yeah I get that but he's supposed to be a nordic ubermensch. now he just looks like an Abercrombie & Fitch model.

Hate to answer your question with another question, but why wouldn't he be?


Because he's a dinasorr, he's brain dead, carbohydrates killed him.

He likes to treat himself but he never got past children's treats

Because his parents told him his entire life that he's special and gave him asspats instead of beatings when he fucked up

I agree that he's boring and stupid and shitty but he wasn't really an entertainer or a comedian. He was just a fatso they pulled on to laugh at in Opie's place, like in the Civil War when rich dudes paid people to fight in their place.

Gotta counter you on "oversensitive." Erock took BEATINGS and he just sat there like a tubby lil' champion. Someone like Danny couldn't take a ripping because he was genuinely oversensitive.