I'm drunk, watching RLM and my hemorrhoids are hanging a mile down from my asshole.

2  2018-03-08 by RBuddCumia

How are you peckas doing this evening?


Left ball hanging lower than the right but other than that doing fantastic

That's how balls are supposed to be. That or my mom lied to me as a kid

They were always even ahh old age I guess

Yeah, my left butthole is hangin UP asumptin tssss

They're supposed to be uneven so they don't hit each other while running. No joke.

wow that makes sense. I literally never thought that the Lord might have made them that way for a reason.

Just woke up 5 hours ago. Have barely moved an inch. Oh my wacky upside down life haha.

Pizza in bed!? I'm so wacky no guy would ever want to date me!

Finally decided to start working out again and now my right knee is the size of a volleyball. Now getting drunk

Didn't plan right and took edibles waaay too late into the night. I'm feeling like a real HACK FRAUD.

I just fawkin woke up. Nothing says piece of shit like waking up at midnight.

Sipping on some shitty malt liquor and watching The Big Bang Theory re-runs. I'm a trashy faggot.

Withdrawing off benzos and waiting to buy more hash oil. Rifftrax and Plinkett in the meantime

What’s RLM?

Black Lives Matter (they’re bad at spelling, you see.)