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113  2018-03-08 by RBuddCumia


That’s definitely a button down that’s meant to be worn with a suit.

I miss this version of Jimmy.

This was his best character. I'm tired of faggot woke Jim.

What terrible clothes

that hasn't changed.

Somehow, the color being "raisin" makes it even grosser.

That version of Jim died a long time ago

RIP funny

Truth bomb: Bobby Hill grew up to be Jimmy Norton.

tHaT's My PuRsE - i DoN't KnOw YoU!

Hey Dayuihd, Connies gotta peckah!


He looks terrible and has never been funnier.

I think he looks much better there. Kind of like his white cell count is in a healthy margin

He looks terrible and is dressed poorly and has never looked or dressed better.

He actually was eating better then.

He didn't even know how much sugar was in salt back then. A simpler time.

At least he’s dressed slightly better.

Who's the hole?


Keira Knightley

In her defense, Keira Knightley's tits are smaller than his tits.

She likes to bring it up from time to time:

I love articles about tits without pictures of tits

Yeah, I was looking around the internet for half an hour looking for the photo featured in another article on the "bosom make-up" that featured a full-frontal naked member of the IBTC.

Hollywood 'it' couple Jeera Knightley.

More like Hollywood 'shit' couple, am I right, fam?

goddammit. why didn't i think of that

It's so rare I score a hit around here. Thanks and prayers.

Keira Knightley is actually the ideal woman for Jim. He’d still get the sexual taboo of banging a tranny minus the public shame.

You shut up, she's gorgeous.

She’s beautiful, but she has the body of a 10 year old boy. Antwan probably salivates when looking at pics of her.

He loses interest when he discovers the lack of cock.

I don’t disagree. She just has a jawline that would put mine and yours to shame and the body of a 12 year old boy. She’s basically Methadone for tranny addicts.

She’s no Kate Beckinsale, another one of Jimmy’s conquests.

How could they allow known sexual deviant Jim Mortan in a room with that innocent young boy?

I miss rapist Jimmy.

Tits so non existent that you wouldn't even get aroused if you saw them

I believe I would, sir.

there's only one way to check

nice shirt stupid.

Young Curly. Moe and Larry are backstage.

Lemme guess... Is he a democrat?

tv yimmy is so cute.

Aw, what a nice, cute lesbian couple.


Keira Knightley