Vos is not happy with you Porsalin

137  2018-03-08 by greygooser


It's shad*

Shay shorry

And the worsht ischth when they don't sthay thank you

It's just incomprehensible*

Or maybe even inconceivable.

That word, I do not think it means what he thinks it means.

I actually don't think that's a spelling error.

I think it's time for Porsalin to start the 100% incomprehensible podcast.

"Heyyyy it'sh me... Rich Voshhhh..."

Gimme $5--- and I'll keep it!

And now, the Hole of all Holesh - my awfully wedded wife!

My god, it's as if he's not bright.

How ironic that a tweet wherein he meant to use the word "incomprehensible" was in fact incomprehensible.

Lischen heresche the schting, it'sch not even schtealing, owe-kay?

Fshuck yourh Pasteron

Rich Boss

If it makes him feel any better, none of us enjoyed it thanks to the awful hole he married.

Lars Dull-rich



Honestly I’m offended that he genuinely expects us to pay to hear Bonnie screech like that.

Honestly, if I had read on here that it was a must listen and Vos really laid it out, I woulda bought it. Instead, I read that Bonnie was a drag the entire time, over talking Vos, and it wasn't worth listening to. I did try to listen to the one posted here, got thru less than 3 minutes, and turned the shit off because it was unfuckinglistenable with Bonnie's shit. I would've felt fucking robbed of I woulda paid for that garbage.

The beauty of this sub is that I don't have to waste my time listening to shitty productions, I can waste my time reading funnier rehashes here, instead.

Oof. Bonnie and Vos held this one back thinking they could round up a couple bucks.

Awful high and mighty for a guy charging money to hear he and his wife fight over Opie.

I hate it when these dreadful podcasts (yes I like Rich but the show is shit) put the only worthwhile content behind a paywall. Matarese did the same thing on his dogshit Fixing Joe thing.

Garbage "content producers" are to blame for this, because companies that used to just throw money away at YouTube finally realized that most of the people that upload videos on YouTube are complete retards, and companies have branding issues with that.

If you want to make content without charging people, you have to find sponsors yourself, which is laughably impossible. When you can't, it's easier to go on Patreon, and hope that your followers aren't going to be scumbags.

Matarese is always trying to get an extra buck. Ayy I don't mind the shittin on me thing, I just wanted you guys to give me some advice so I could put something together for a sizzle

Cumtown patreon is 100% worth it. It's like an extra show per week and those guys are cool and would probably want to hang out with me.

I usually sign up for the month, download all the eps, then cancel my pledge for next month

Shit don't work doggy

Yes it does. It's an RSS feed. Although it was probably dumb to share his auth token, a good way to have your account highjacked by "hackers".

I've tried it in two different apps, and both say it's invalid

Spend 5 bucks faggot. It's worth it.

Are you the queer that tells eveyone to pay for compound media because "it's a great deal"

No. Never paid for that,

Then open it in chrome and ctrl-f ".mp3"

Nick has even said, it would be hypocritical of him to get mad if you stole it. Somehow, that makes it OK to buy.

Plus it's only 5 dollars. I spend more on whores every month.

They don’t understand the idea of “bonus content”. It means people like your show enough that they want more of it. You can’t expect money without doing something people are fans of.

"its just incomporable that someone would steal our show."

i love you, rich!

Crackhead Vos bitching about morals

Just this one episode, don’t worry I won’t steal or listen to my wife hates me , it stinks.

Morals. Like putting your only entertaining show (which was bungled) behind a paywall.

They got it deleted off of Vocaroo but fortunately someone who may or may not be Porsalin uploaded it again:


Oh thank heavens!

Is Bonnie playing a character here or is genuinely that much of an unbearable cunt?

Fucking kike. I couldn't listen to more than 30 seconds of it because of that idiotic wife of his. Oh, but thats the bit...my wife hates me.

Should be “you all hate my wife”

I would call it a free preview. But, I'm Sorry Rich. 99.9% here wouldn't pay regardless. It was an opportunity to expose your podcast and many had high hopes. Unfortunately, your wife meddled and ruined it. So, this is the last one that will ever be heard here.

I was listening to their podcasts and constantly hearing the sad entitled neediness in their self-aggrandizing voices and knew this would hurt them. Well done Porsalin. Stealing from a Jew isn't a Crime, but putting on in an oven is "Wrong", or so they tell me.

It is incomparable how many scumbags are out there. Compared with what Rich. He had time to look that word up if he wasn't sure what it meant. But he didn't. He will die a moron.

I don't know how he deals with that stupid cunt of a wife. I'm pissed off just thinking about her SCREECHING voice.

The clue lies in the word stupid.

Sorry Rich, I love you...but putting the Opie trashing behind a paywall after years of going on the show was pretty shitty

You said Jewy wrong.

Thats true haha

Cry me a richer.

People pay to listen to vos’ show? Forgive me if I don’t know the platform he’s on but what? I wouldn’t listen to it for free

Can't wait for My wife divorced me. It has hit written all over it.

I might actually listen if Bonnie ain't on it

don't shit on opie and nobody will steal ... as per usual

I was onboard with the dead kid jokes, but unlicensed sharing of middling podcast content is beyond the pale.

Gosh this is terrible, I bet there are tens of people illegally listening.

That's terrible. I'm sorry.

Louie Beans, I want my money!

You READ Jscohn?

dont think he used incomparable right

How many paid subscribers do they have? It can't be a lot.

I feel zero remorse for this

You shouldn’t. It was a horrible episode with his cunt wife ruining it and we only wanted to hear the Opie trashing. Not one person was ever going to pay to hear it.

That'a boy

why would you?

I can see his point of view, same with Ant. Whether it's good or bad, it's their content and they have the right to charge for it or not. I think the Youtube videos should serve as previews or free advertising for these shows which make people who are interested listen the entire thing, but not as an alternative place to listen to them because then they can make the case that you're actually costing them money.

Anyone can just take all shows and podcasts, slap ads on them every 2 minutes and put them up online but it's kinda shitty if they're already online on their official channels.

Says the former cracked head who stole his friend’s crack, smoked it, and kept cutting it with ammonia. No honor amongst thieves, Rich.

Seriously where the fuck is the Rich Vos roast?

I like to brag about making 2 grand a night but if shomone shteals my podcasht itsh immoral.

Holy shit you guys weren’t kidding about how obnoxious Bonnie is in this.

I’d say it’s also incomparable to mislead your listeners by charging them for a show that’s advertised to be about a certain topic, only to have it actually be an hour of your wife bitching and preventing you from talking it in any actual detail.

But hey, at least Bonnie has her awesome and interesting twitter morals about avoiding conflict or whatever. Truth is such a bullshit concept anyway!

I stole Vos' podcast, now I'm dodgin' him!

Fucking mongoloid. People wanting to steal your content is an honor. It means you create something people enjoy and want to share with the entire world.

Time to list all the free plugs he's gotten from people here

Vos is a theif

he stole Colin Quinn's twitter shtick with "alternative comic vos"

He stole my heart, that's for doggone sure.

(Ive been trying to get it back, and he's DODGZJIN me!)

fucking dumb old man getting mad at people for sharing his show

Oh shit, I bet a call to the Cyber Police is incoming!

Request: somebody Nopie Bonnie out of the episode and repost it.

I like Rich but the shtick of the podcast gets old quick. We get it, Bonnie is trying to humorously bust balls about his shortcomings as a husband. I haven’t listened to any of their free content in years, and was only interested in this premium episode because it addressed Opie. Fine and dandy with going back to avoiding it altogether.

Handsome Jim Norton got a mention too. Good man.

Rich has a podcast?

The fact that they even tried to charge money for that 1 hour nightmare should be a criminal offense.

Paying for that episode is almost as bad as paying for compound

"incomparable" - what a boob.

With jews, you lose.

shekles goy, how dare you deny me my shekles.

Think about it this way, Vos. Porsalin is out of your life for $20. He’s never gonna ask you for money again. You got off cheap. Now let’s go next door to Mario’s and get something to eat.

Is Porsalin the guy who dresses like Salt N Pepa?

What's sad is asking for donations from people who want to listen to the demasculinization of a 63 year old man.

I just listened to that mess of a podcast again. Up until the 17 minute mark its okay. Once Bonnie starts it literally becomes unlistenable. I dont care what the gimmick of the show is. I dont care if it worked in the past or what-have you.

This was horrendous simply because of Bonnie. Women like her are the worst.

Let's go Rich

don't forget she needs to keep sweet with her girl lynsi. that was probably part of the reason she fucked with vos' opie rant.

If there was any doubt about Vos being Jewish....

Oh what the fuck does he want to whine about now!?

I'll pay extra if he re-records it with tape over Bonnies mouth.

Wait, he made that a Patreon only show? Even Anthony and Keith the Sop knew the right thing to do was make the Greggshells episode free.


He misused the word "incomparable" but he spelled it right so that's something

"Thanks for having morals" - Ex-cocaine abuser.

I really hope that he hits her

I would be really pissed if I had paid for THAT.. he should be glad it was released for free.

It's telling that on the show people are supposed to pay for is the show where he finally talks about something that people want to hear. He knew exactly what he was doing.

I've never listened to an episode of that show in its entirety, but everything I have heard sounds like Bonnie just being the typical nagging shitty wife. If I wanted to hear that then I'd get married.

Always a victim.

I've avoided this episode like the plague, but now I'm gonna listen just to piss Vos off about the $5 he missed out on.

The topic and the leak of the episode were a great opportunity to gain new Patreon subscribers, but Bonnie ruined it by trampling on the Rich, screeching endlessly, making it about herself and using dumb arguments to accomplish actually nothing. I stopped listening half way through when it was clear that nothing interesting would be said.

After listening to the audio, I would never in a million years subscribe to their Patreon.

I think he's just mad because after listening to that people who haven't heard it now know how shitty the broadcast is and won't pay for it. Who the fuck wants to listen to two people argue about nonsense.

"It's just imcomparable how m any scumbags are out there." Stop trying to sound smart.

Yeah? Dumb shit Vos. God forbid you reach a broader audience with your stupidity and your dopey wife.

Why do they have a patreon to begin with?

With all the free content available it's offensive to think he'd make someone pay to listen to a hole constantly interrupting an Opie bashing.

i guess vos is trying to milk the maximum amount of money out of his very few supporters.

Bonnie is worse than ever on it. Havent listened to one of their podcasts in a couple years and she was so annoying on it. That wasnt worth money.

Open her mouth here cums the goo.

That'a boy

That's terrible. I'm sorry.

Are you the queer that tells eveyone to pay for compound media because "it's a great deal"