Danni Golightly aka Danni Brand Appreciation Thread

10  2018-03-08 by OpiesInnerCircle


I know many of you hate her, but, I think she's HOT & funny! Please post any pics and or vids of the beautiful Danni Brand!

And funny.....oof

Get off the internet Ant

She’s no good at finding a gun

No but she did mention finding an egg shaped dildo at his house while periscoping to which ant quickly tried to move on from

no but she can take a punch

A bite you mean.

Dumpster fire

I quite literally can't say a single positive thing about her. "At least she's not fat" doesn't count.

I wish i could be as thin as her

we all wish you were

I thought she was aight, I like skinny autistic girls

There's something about this greasy, disgusting, insane, drugged-out, skeletal skank that I just want to fuck and stomp.

On the other hand, https://i.redditmedia.com/LwETf0L2tq0dVMIdon14_qcabTKg6sTA59TnKac-SAY.jpg?w=576&s=6d187eb26e1562e3c156fff23cdd5cdc

Bitches like this are always covered in bruises for some reason.

And smell like cigarette smoke. It’s a requirement.

Ah... Reminds me of my ex.


I dated one of these maniacs. Bruises, smelled like smoke all the time, septum piercing and the word “mustache” tattooed across her shin. A true lady.

Oh, man. Totally. My man know.

It’s cute or fun or whimsical or whatever for a while.

But, do not be mistaken, they are awful heaps of garbage and will ruin your credit and your life.

I follow the 6 weeks rule with these nutcases, 6 weeks of fun and I completely disappear from their lives without explaination.

And 'friends' with black dudes.

Lots of light skinned women bruise easy. My wife gets bruises all the time that she knows nothing about. Usually on her legs, goofy bitch probably walks into walls.

more like shes walking into lamars big fucking pecka

She looks like some weird alien/human hybrid.

Great pic! Any more?

Serious. I need more of this.

Bitch looks about 12 in that picture, if Vinny Brand were any kind of real man he'd have killed Ant long ago.

What a fucking ghoul.

She looks good there I have to admit.

She’ll never attract rich pedophiles with those womanly curves though. Men like Ant like girls who look like 8 year old boys. Better start a crash diet of water and sawdust.

Oh and start talking with an artificially high, squeaky voice that will repulse normal men and make the pedos go wild. Linzbella can help you with that.

Linzbella is disgusting.

I’d pay to grossly fuck that saggy pig.

She has an ugly face and the body of an anorexic 12 year old.

So what. I don’t tell you what to like.

My bad. I thought this was an appreciation thread.

I'm into ugly faces and anorexic 12 year old bodies.

Nice lighting, stupid

Sue Lightning is still my favourite of Anthony's girlfriends. I wish Ant had settled down and finally made an honest woman of him.

Sue is the least mentally ill out of all Ant's girlfriends, which is really saying something.

Ewwwwww no penis!

I've always found her cute. She's a typical damaged chick though.

Also she probably contracted sickle cell when Ant bit her.

Her pussy smella like keto diet

I always liked her.

Mentally ill ride again.

My bad. I thought this was an appreciation thread.

I'm into ugly faces and anorexic 12 year old bodies.