Looks like Lil Jimmy may be losing a gig

52  2018-03-07 by FatManSkills

A guy on the OG (oldest MMA forum) who has provided inside info for awhile now has said Jimmy is going to be replaced on UFC Unfiltered soon. Apparently the brass A) aren't crazy about him (maybe they dont see the humah in talking about trannies and peckahs) and B) are pissed at him for taking Matt Mitrione and Roy Nelson as guests on the J&S show to promote UFC's rival, Bellator. Apparently he only got hired because Matt Serra is Dana White's buddy and insisted on him being the cohost.

Totally unsubstantiated at this point but this guy has leaked some stuff in the past that turned out to be true so who knows.


His stand up's are average at best, and he's not even entertaining on his radio show now. I can't imagine why anyone would hire him to do anything except maybe be a janitor at The Stand, where Rich Vos will be performing on 3/9.

Jim has only ever done one thing particularly well - riff as third mic on a show with Anthony Cumia.

hm...ah....man, that's a tough one.

Don’t forget his mouth is also an excellent urinal

How can anyone forget, he names his specials after his edgy activities.

perfectly said, sir. thats 100% the case.

Gorgeous segue.

this guy has leaked some stuff

All over your lips and chin, apparently

ha HA!! It's cum. He's talking about cum.


Vurry good. Let's go to Snoway!

How about the fact that he doesn’t do ANYTHING MMA related? You would think Jimmy would jump at the chance of rolling around with scantily dressed men but he hasn’t taken a single class.

especially someone who's so concerned with their health and shape, what a complete jackass.

He's probably just worried he'd get addicted.

Jiu Jitsu has ruined Anthony Bourdain's life. Better that our boy Jimmy just tug his prick more, instead.

It's a tough one man

Hard to have the energy for fighting when you dip your egg whites in mustard

He doesn't even watch the fucking fights. I love jimmy and mma, which makes me a fag, but he does less prep for that show than he does J&S

Oh he does plenty of PrEP alright

lol you love a guy?!?!? what a FAGGGG

He said jimmy, not a guy idiot.

u r a dumb asshole

He also doesn't know anything MMA related. His understanding of MMA is "That guy is a motherfucker" vs "that guy is a problem."

He has no knowledge of anything related to fighting.

He doesn't anything that requires stamina. Look at the dude. He's a 120lb twink suffering from muscle atrophy due to his diet of dick and pretzels. He probably isn't able to curl 20lbs or bench the bar

He doesnt seem to be learning more as he goes either. He puts in zero effort and has to have everything written down or he wouldnt have a clue what to say or even what the fighters names are. When a man who would rather suck a dick to avoid getting potentially beaten up tries to analyze UFC fights its cringy.

also how about he doesn't know anything about mma, I'm barely a fan and I can hold a convo on it better than him

BJJ black belt and former UFC champ: Come to my gym I'll train you.

Faggot Jimmy: Nah man I'm too tired I don't sleep well

Jimmy really is a goo guzzler

norton dosnt want to fight big burley men, he wants to hold hands with them in the park and share an ice cream cone.

I was a bit surprised that he had Mitrione and Big Country on his show. Knowing how petty the UFC is, figured that would be a problem.

The ultimate irony, the "real problem" on Jim's MMA podcast is him.

Oh the UFC doesn’t want to be represented by a Jock sniffing little faggot beta twink? This is shocking news.

he really is a "JOCK-SNIFFING faggot".....

he (if you notice) NEVER actually talks MMA--in terms of fighters, styles, match-ups

--only BALL-LICKING observations about FAN REACTIONS to different fighters and his queer picture fetish.

  • "The fan's go nuts for 'Fighter X'.....he's a fuckin' prob-lem!".....

  • " 'Fighter 'Y' is AWESOME with the fans....always has time for a autograph."

  • "WWE fans are gonna come out for RONDA......Lot of UFC fans in the WWE.....its just smart business."

(he never provides any actual analysis on anything) *

Just like that crying hook nosed Jew Ariel Hewantsthed, he's in it for the drama and creating drama, but at least that dude knows a lot of these stuff


As someone who's been laid off multiple times, you almost never see it coming. I wouldn't be surprised if Jim finds out via this post.

Tss, I been laid off tons of fawkin times

The thing is, Jimmy is a mediocre talent who knows shit about MMA.

I listened to that podcast for a while because I like Jimmy and he has good chemistry with Serra. But I stopped listened a long time ago because for about 15 shows in a row he kept repeating how tired he was, as if the audience member is gonna go oh that’s cool he’s mailing it in because he’s tired. I lost respect for him and just took his word for it that he was too tired to try to entertain listeners. He just started coming off like the old aunt you hate who always complains about how hot or cold it is in this room or about the food not meeting his specifications or how he would like a treat but can’t but maybe a sliver, but only a sliver.

how he would like a treat but can’t but maybe a sliver, but only a sliver.

nothing would infuriate me more during the show. if roland, bobo or whoever brought in cakes or pastrys or whatever, jim would always go from "ant, are you gonna have?"/i'm not having any/ok, just a taste/fuck it. i'll do more kettle bells tomorrow. extra large piece, please! inside of 20 minutes. every fucking time.

Jimmy needs to lift some weights and eat like a god damn man

I can see A over B. Pekkazz ain't corporate humah no more! IIRC, Dana specifically wanted Jimmy to host with Serra and introduced the two. Jimmy always felt out of his element, especially for the official company podcast.

I stopped listening to the podcast a few months ago. It was fun for a while, then ehhhhh. No fault to Serra, I could listen to that dude BS about MMA all day. I did grow real sick of Jimmy talking about his dumb diets and wanting to work out more. Serra offered COUNTLESS times to set him up at Renzo Gracie's in Midtown, I'm sure at no cost, and he refuses the offer. The show should be Serra, Chris The Producer on mic more, and an in-studio guest every episode.

Like Colin said, Norton doesn't want to take advice when he complains, he just wants to emotionally jack off on you.

Jim Norton is a Jewish trick to turn MMA gay.

Joke's on them, you can't turn it any more gay than it already is.

As soon as the fight goes to the ground all the heterosexual males lose interest

So, like four people stop watching?

What is with radio and wrestling? Opie & Anthony, Ron & Fez, Joe Rogan, Jim & Sam.

I guess management isn't happy with the direction of the show, brothaman!

Dana White has been pretty loyal to Jim over the years, so I doubt he gets thrown under the bus, as much as he probably should given his embarrassingly pedestrian knowledge of MMA

Yeah idk why he had Roy and Matt on. Maybe he thought they were both still in the UFC? Honestly super confusing. There has also been a little bit of tension between him and Matt recently. Jim made some comment about Matt not coming in during a snow and Matt found out. Matt then confronted him (politely) on air and Jimmy weasled out. Matt also has a habit of getting cohosts removed (see: The Tooth on Looking for a Fight). So, it adds up for sure. I could also see that somebody would just make it up, though, considering everything I just said. I don't think Dana gives two shits about the podcast and just has it to give Matt a gig. I also don't think Matt would still be doing the podcast if he didn't actually love Jimmy. Idk, what a mess. I actually love the show, hope it isn't true.

He literally probably thought they were, he knows about as much of MMA as the average Floridian housewife

Can you link the post?

Yea no one but us dickheads know who he is.

Hope this isn’t the only show he looses.

Remember when they actually had a good card for the first time in what, two years, right in Jimmy's backyard and he opted to fly the Iceland for his princess?

I usually get my basketball and football news from carrot top

pissed at him for taking Matt Mitrione and Roy Nelson as guests on the J&S show to promote UFC's rival, Bellator.

Sounds like a lie Opie would come up with because of how over-the-top obvious it is.

I’m starting to think, Opie may have been right about all the people he hated.

Im a huge UFC fan and listen to Unfiltered all the time. Jimmy is funny on that show and if he gets the boot im not tuning in anymore, i'll tell you that. I dont bother with the episodes when Jimmy is away and its just Serra.

its weird mma does not want a cock smoker to be their guy

Jimmy doing MMA announcing

"man, that guy is a problem"

:::::unzips a spanish man's pants and begins to toot on his pecker::::::


How weird... you sit on your phone during radio shows, podcasts and live events... and suddenly people don't want you to host any of them?

Holy shit, Jim is still on that UFC show?! I thought this was several failed side projects ago. Who the fuck listens to this? How does Jim keep getting these chances at success? He's really, really bad at everything besides making cock jokes and laughing about Scarface. It's like he signed a deal with the fawkin devil dvv dvv

Poor Dana White probably thought he could groom Norton into a Rogan-like role with the UFC. Instead he got an old queer with an eating disorder who knows nothing about MMA.

how he would like a treat but can’t but maybe a sliver, but only a sliver.

nothing would infuriate me more during the show. if roland, bobo or whoever brought in cakes or pastrys or whatever, jim would always go from "ant, are you gonna have?"/i'm not having any/ok, just a taste/fuck it. i'll do more kettle bells tomorrow. extra large piece, please! inside of 20 minutes. every fucking time.

Jimmy needs to lift some weights and eat like a god damn man

So, like four people stop watching?