The most deplorable Nortonism

12  2018-03-07 by TheDirtyWolfman

His newfound obsession with gay music and gay films and he desperately wants all his favourite actors and musicians to be gay so he can relate to them. Would even Valley Jim be as adolescent as "quietly proud Jim"?


Maybe I'm not hearing the right Clips, but I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You got any examples you'd like to share?

You won't find it in clips. It only started very late 2017. Look for him talking Prior-Brando or every time a celebrity is mentioned he says he heard he's gay. He also listened to Jolene today on repeat because he thought it was Parton saying she's a dike.

All right, I do remember the Brando stuff. I didn't realize that kind of shit had become a regular thing for him. I remember asking myself what the hell they were doing when they posted a picture of a guy with a dick in his mouth on their Show Twitter feed. It's actually kind of sad, the thought that Opie what's the one keeping the show straight.

That song was based on a story some bint checkout lady told Dolly Parton. Fuck knows why I know that.

I have no fucking clue



You say this as you LANGUISH IN ANONYMITY...Norton should be killed.

At this point Fez is less gay than that unfunny nobody.

He’s having a midlife crisis.