Opie vs SiriusXM - Fourth Attempt

27  2018-03-07 by TangerineReam


That is such a beautiful video. I fucking hate kids

Yeah it is a great clip, scrawny wee dicks being reminded that's what they are is awesome.

The subscribe bubble is infuriating but I'm glad to see the kid from Bad Santa stick up for himself.

The news/interviewer that had a 1 on 1 with the skinny kid spun it that he was the actual victim.

Even if the fat kid started it by talking shit initially: If you're going to talk shit, you better be able to back it up.It looks like a bully situation, but even if it wasn't: Everyone learned something that day.

Yeah I agree. I was sickened by the interview. It was an obvious way to like defend children in general because that twerp caught so much heat.

Really though "He said mean words...So I hit him a bunch...and then he retaliated! THAT MONSTER"

Oh, Erock.

I was really hoping the skinny kid' leg would stay bent. And the other kid T-Qųan's him of a local cliff.

KtC are you reading this.....I'd paid for that.

Kid should have pulled a Bane on the other kid.