If you think about it, Louis CK really did force the viewers to watch him masturbate.

37  2018-03-07 by KillaKuhnsDeadSon

The first couple of seasons of Louie were straight up comedy. Episodes like "Bully" may have been tense and somewhat dramatic, but they were still humorous. It was still a comedy.

This is what the viewers came to expect from the show. They would tune in every week to have a laugh and maybe think a little.

But then... then Louie's character fell in love with a foreign woman. And for the next five episodes, it was just different shots of her playing a violin, while Louie walked through an art museum and his nihilistic doctor taught him about life.

Pure masturbation. No warning. The audience was not expecting any of this.

They were violated.

Do you think I'm trying to be funny? Imagine a child who loves Sesame Street. Every day he tunes in and enjoys the show. But then the director decides, hey, I'm not going to make it a children's show anymore. I'm going to make it a horror. It's my art, I can do what I want!

The child is subjected to graphic imagery of a serial killer tearing apart the muppets.

The child cries and can't believe what he's seeing. But no, it's "art", see? The director of Sesame Street did nothing wrong... according to monsters like Louis CK.

Fuck you, Louis CK. No means no. We were all raped, but you kept cumming out season after season of that tripe. I'm just glad those brave women (who I'd never heard of, so assume they were fans) finally spoke up.


I'd rather see Louis's dick than watch those fucking horrendous, pretentious, wannabe-Fellini, piece of shit episodes.

Fucking spot on

Ever watch Sesame Street? Especially back in the day? They created haunting psychedelic imagery back in the late 70s, early 80s.

Horace and Pete scarred me more than any of my Uncles violent molestations

I liked the format of H&P, but Louis is not nearly as talented a writer as he thinks he is. Also, he can't act

Just like you just did to me with this post, smarty pants.

He should did get pretentious though, sometimes that can be good, like some Alan Moore or Grant Morrison shit, but god are all comics literal retards?

Jokes aside, I liked a lot of the later Louie episodes. Hated horace and pete though. Fucking trash; the definition of pretentious.

You use punctuation real purdy though, you sure you don’t like Horace and Pete? You are of course exactly right and I assume the vast majority here agree with you, what went so wrong with that ginger fucks head? Just trying to pander? Did he not realize he got a mainstream audience from his old shit?

He got cast in Trumbo & Blue Jasmine and started thinking he was an actual "auteur".

The storyline that Louis abandoned about running a comedy club through a whole new season, which he discarded because he wrote it when he was stoned, sounds so much more interesting and would lend to many interesting spots for young comics to do their thing, portray themselves in almost a Curb Your Enthusiasm setting on Louis' show. It would have been content that would feed itself just by who you bring on the show with a great writer like Louis crafting it. Most of all, it would have been better than that fucking faggot French independent film garbage that Louis ended up doing somewhere along the way.

The episodes where he just stands there with the bewildered, confused, chubby, "I'm sorry I hurt you, please teach me" face that he would make and the "I'm just here to learn and understand and love you" logic behind his character's every action... I saw this turn against him coming. For a couple years there if you said anything negative about Louis people would rightfully shoot you down.. nowadays, I'm kinda happy his whole system was shocked maybe it will teach him a lesson but if anything it could only make him worse and send him further down a faggy path. I miss the guy he was when he wasn't invested in faggy shit.

bewildered, confused, chubby, "I'm sorry I hurt you, please teach me" face that he would make and the "I'm just here to learn and understand and love you" logic behind his character's every action.

Ugh, that really does sum up everything I hate about what he became.

Louie peaked with his first few specials and his first few years of o&a appearances. Once he got mega famous he started going downhill. I'm surprised it was the wacking off that took him down and not old clips of shit he used to say on o&a. It's strange how the guy who played 'slave girl' with Patrice became a liberal darling comedian.

I liked that 3 episode arc with David Lynch though.

If it wasn't for David Lynch, it would have sucked.

the funniest thing in that whole season was just david going "LISTEN HERE CHAMP... THAT'S SHORT FOR CHAMPION..."

He's the only thing I remember from those 3 episodes.