Opie is "signing a deal" within the next couple of days with another company. Also, he's moving forward with his lawsuit against SiriusXM. And he also knows who his real friends are (the ones he used to pay and the spineless idiots that leeched onto him).

30  2018-03-07 by TangerineReam


With such great comedic material as "making poop noises", it's hard to imagine why it took this long to receive a job offer...

I found this stunning. The guy said on his show in a sarcastic voice once 'yeah, I am not supposed to be the funny one. I am not a 'comic', yeah right"
In ALL of his pop ups, he never once made a joke. That shit noise thing to an attempt and it didn't rise above an 11 year old's joke that would have bombed to his friends

Me "My real friends stood by me through this last 8 months" Carl Ruiz must feel like the loneliest guy in the world right now

"My agent told me he's passing it on to my main agent...."

Translation: Opie is such a fucking nobody that his agent has assigned a 24 y/o dipshit in the office to "manage" him.

Cretin is paying two people to not get him a job.

The ol Johnny Drama treatment. It's crazy he would openly admit to this.

It means he bought the smoke his "main agent" blew up his ass about the pawn-off.

It also means he was a high-maintenance cunt.

"a Gregg "Opie" "The Opester" Hughes for you on line 2"

(heavy, defeated sigh)

Even stereotyped losers are written as more successful than Gregg.

How embarrasing.

I had to tap out after a minute. I just can't do it.

Would a brave soul here by kind enough to give us the highlights? Just a lil taste?

he reenacts the miracle on the hudson and debunks the theory that Sully flew under the GW bridge.

At several points he starts making loud farting noises for no reason

“Get this shit! Roland again!” @ 05:49

honestly opie should just get out of NYC

He should get out of life.

He’s too much of a fool to ever leave NYC. His ex wife is probably holding his kids hostage there, and he doesn’t know how to survive like a normal person outside of the bubble of New York.

isnt he from rochester?

Long Island

13 minutes? Niggah I ain't watching that sheet. TL;DR that right now.

Poetic that he announces a new gig at the same time a dog takes a shit. Foreshadowing the quality of his future show.

I remember when Louis talked about taking one of those shitty comedians whose been at it for like 15 years with the same shitty jokes, and book them for Madison Square Garden and fill it with people and just let them do their thing. I would love to see Opie do that. Okay comedy and radio veteran, entertain a crowd.

ME: I'm fighting for my fawkin' life here

I imagine Opie losing alot in a lawsuit with SXM. Does he really think he would win a case when he filmed a morbidly obese man shitting without his consent?

He sees an old lady picking up dog shit and makes farting noises loudly for like 40s. I won't lie the funniest thing hes ever done.

1:27 Showing why Opebro was always the comedic genius.

Career update: Still none.

I live a few blocks from here, this is the 72nd St entrance to Riverside Park along the Hudson Park, I’ve walked these exact paths countless times to get to the park. Please if there’s a god, let me run into Opie when he’s making one of these videos and stomp on his phone.

That all I want out of life right now.

You won’t do shit.