Reminder: Ant put a bounty out on this place and all it took was another non-confrontational Opie shot to get you on his dick again

187  2018-03-07 by Single_Action_Army

Fuck him. He's still a tranny fucking berber.


I’ll never be a fan of his again but that opie shit was funny ...but Antwan is a forever will be a cunt and fuck joe too

Here here!

Ant is awful....Opie is worse but I think of him as the new Scorch. He's so bad that it's almost good.

Do ya?

you know how to piss on a man's parade

why don't you piss on a man's face?

Too busy pissing in my own mouth.

MMMMBop was a hit in the 90's

Say it walking, pervert

I'm Walkin' on Sunshine.

Up next, this sub will be claiming he didn't fuck Sue and that we should change the age of consent to 13.

Let's not get crazy here.

Yeah. We'd never claim he didn't fuck sue.

What can you say? We're fickle.

He did a funny thing. Who cares if we still don't like him?

We still don't.

Talk to the faggots going "ANTHONY'S BACK!"

Tss what about his front

dats where da peckah is

Body part yumah

Most of those faggots in that thread, such as u/finerd, never stopped lapping up Ant's ballsweat to begin with.

"It's hypocrisy, such is life. Our next guest is Frankie Avalon"

I can't get enough of Colin referencing this interview. I don't know why, but it's really funny

Some people can do what they want other people have to pay through the nose...

Its fucking pathetic. It wasn't even that funny.

Anthony is a fucking queer who is crushed that Opie won't sign on to the failure that is Compound Media. Im suprised the tranny fucking kid toucher isn't selling those Torpid Sloth tee shirts again. Lord knows you fucks will gladly send him your credit card numbers to buy one.

I'm glad there are people here who won't waver in their beliefs. Thank you for standing strong with me, Dan.

Brotha man, brotha man! Why you hate the player... Instead of the game!?

True, and that video wasn't funny to anyone with a life.


Meh. I still get Twitter blocked by Ant once a week. I'm doing my part.

Just when I think I’ve read the faggiest thing on this sub, along comes something new.

You watch grown men cuddle in a ring for the enjoyment of children, so you're the expert.

You’ve dedicated your life to getting blocked by a man on social media, and keeping up on the latest Incel goings on. Some of the lamest shit ever.

dedicated your life

I spend five minutes a week on it. Get a hold of yourself.

That’s 5 minutes too much

Okay, grandpa, enjoy your wrastlin'

This place is full of degenerates, drinks, addicts, hooker kissers, and brits. The fact that a single joke can make us forget our vitriol should be expected.

Tss what kind of drink am I a Dr Pepper? Im just chippin ya

No, look through that thread! The positive comments came mostly from people who barely post here. They were just cuckoldishly lurking here all this time waiting to say something nice about their hero, the Kount.

Or maybe they are all Fred from Brooklyn's alts.

Either way, it's a shameful display.

The recent influx of Swedes seems to be more toxic than the prior British invasion.

They're a forgivey people.

THANK you!

He's an unfunny piece of shit, fuck him. Clip wasnt funnier than any of the Opie jokes we have here.

well... it was pretty funny.

Meh, so we're fickle.

Agreed. He's a pedo, never forget.

Opie hatred brings everyone together.

Turnabout is fair play.

Pretty much.

We're really just as bad as Anthony's bought and paid for skank girlfriends. "Ahahaha, it's the Anthony and Fake Opie show, folks!"

Reminder: Anthony was more than happy to reunite with Opie and do Another show with him less than a year ago.

He's an idiot that occasionally does funny things. I can hate him and still laugh at some of the shit he does.

You really aren't getting into the spirit of the sub if you can't laugh when a despicable afghani child pimp makes a hilarious joke.

he's just tryna get the tranny heat off from this sub by appealing to our opie hate

I wish he had succeeded. I don't give a care about this sub, I just want entertainment. Ant was entertaining, I like him. Simple as that.

If Opie & Anthony was a show again tomorrow these motherfuckers would find a reason to wake up bright and early.

their just as fickle/full of shit as anyone else.

Who fuckin cares if we like him again after one joke. Who cares if he fucks trannys. I think that people on this sub enjoy it when they have a reason to like something, cause fuck knows it doesn't happen often

Do you think most of us have a personal grudge against him? We just want funny things. Quit acting like your ovaries are inflamed

why don't you come back here and shut up?

Not to mention the fact treating him like garbage and forcing him to sing for his supper clearly gets the best out of him. Him thinking hes king kook in his bunker has brought nothing but self indulgent ranting.

And it works, we want more blood.

I like how the one funny/well received thing he's done in the past several years wasn't even on his own fucking show.

Faggot fucks in here, fuck all of them, and fuck his shitty video

Doesn't matter. All I ever cared about is funny. The second any one of them provides it to me, I spare the rod.

The biggest problem the sub had was Ant's general trading in of legit humor and entertainment for nothing but complaining about guns and politics. Also his public acknowledging of anything that goes on here legitimately bothering him, which is just an invite for more pestering. That's what lead to where things are today.

Maybe this is the start of the healing process. Bring back the old Ant. And grow that GODdamn goatee back.

The Fairness in Funny Act stipulates that credit be given for a direct hit. If Opie were actually capable of providing unironic entertainment, he too would get his encouraging pat on the back. Relax, neither guy is ever finishing a marathon of a road to redemption. Until both die or withdraw from public sight, they're going to be shredded nonstop, with only Anthony getting the occasional reprieve such as this.

If you can't bond over Opie hate, then the sub has clearly passed you by.

I don't think we like Ant again: We just recognize a funny joke when we see it. We're not feminists, in that we create an unrealistic set of demands in order for you to get back on our god side again. We've already thrown Ant out, but we'll laugh at things that are funny when they're funny

This sub is a bunch of dummies all trying to one up one another in the edge department. 99% of you would suck every last drop from Sue Lightning, the other 1% would just say they did to go along with the rest of the faggotry.

You expect a place filled with this many gay retards to be consistent?

You watch grown men cuddle in a ring for the enjoyment of children, so you're the expert.