Carl leaving his family for Mrs. Chipperson is the greatest thing ever.

46  2018-03-06 by lolercakesmcgee


she really is a piece of ass.

Her ass is embarrassingly flat sadly.

I'm digging her. I like them thin like that.

If she'd fuck Carl Ruiz, she'd fuck any and all of us.

Sir, I don’t believe you’ve seen my my fat treadmarked filled body, also those times those hot chicks tried to fuck me in college I couldn’t get it up so, I mean, even if she wanted to I doubt I could.

Get some Sildenafil you stupid fuck, works wonders.

Where's your Guys Grocery Games Tournament of Celebrities championship trophy

*If she'd fuck Carl Ruiz, she WILL fuck any and all of us.

if he did that, I would probably be a fan

Why does that bearded short order cook have a twitter header featuring the half naked men wearing loin cloths and capes from 300? Is he a fag?

Judging by his lips, I'm going to say yes. All big lipped men are gay.

I hear they use those big lips to kiss other men, and for other things as well

Go on...

Sometimes one fella will try to get the other fella pregnant

Explain it to me slowly. I'm about to cum.

That's not mrs CC

Oh, but it is.

Oh. I thought nakedmilitia was the woman

So glad to get your side of the story.

Surprisingly funny for a woman.

Uh yeah it is... she's been tweeting and retweeting it like a crazed stalker for days

Naked Militia? Is Scorch pulling strings?

I hope she starts tweeting pictures of his decapitated head

I'd prefer her pussy

I'd prefer she not cut her cunt off.

Fuck what ya heard mz chipperson could get it no question

Word ‘em up doc

brotha sayid sumthin there

Jim's only option at a healthy life about to settle for a Cuban refugee?

"Droppin Loads! HahahahaahahAHAHa"

Judging by his lips, I'm going to say yes. All big lipped men are gay.

Sir, I don’t believe you’ve seen my my fat treadmarked filled body, also those times those hot chicks tried to fuck me in college I couldn’t get it up so, I mean, even if she wanted to I doubt I could.

Where's your Guys Grocery Games Tournament of Celebrities championship trophy

*If she'd fuck Carl Ruiz, she WILL fuck any and all of us.

brotha sayid sumthin there