He ate her liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti

39  2018-03-06 by Suibu


Nice reference, stupid.

That bitch is so fucking ugly. Jill looks like shit too

Nice diet pills, stupid

Even at the height of my fervor for O&A, I was always creeped out by these two together.

Pizza grease sheets.

It just makes the rear entry easier.

Sicilian grease boyfriend

Ant had a problem with a milfs greasy ass but no problem with shitty little boy ass.

My mother once tried to set me up with Jill Nicolini. For like five seconds I tried explaining the Nicoleaky saga to her, but then stopped myself and realized how ridiculous everything having to do with the show sounds to normal people.

This sound so unrealistic it's actually believable. How does she know Jill?

She ran into her at a Walgreens and did the whole "you should meet my son!" thing that mothers do.

She apparently managed to get her number but I never used it. I have no idea if it was even real. When she called to tell me about all this I tried to explain her history with Anthony, but that wasn't working so I mostly explained why you shouldn't accost people in Walgreens.

Your mom must really want you out of her house


Every incarnation of Ant is creepy looking in one way or another.

What a fucking creep

Lonestar's Amazed plays in the background as Ant mentally prepares to call in sick

poor man's John Waters

I read this in Stalker Pattys voice

I think this relationship was the beginning of the end for Anthony.

Its been all downhill since the attention whore traffic girl hooked up with the closeted homo gun nut shock jock who claims most of the reason he was with her was "a bit for the show".

This was at a point in her life when she was looking for a rich husband so she could quit work, stay home, and be a mommy. She has two kids now, and it looks like she is going at it alone.

Paying for her taste in men.

Your mom must really want you out of her house