Which is the more humiliating scenario?

0  2018-03-06 by CommodorePawsey

A or B:

A - Without a dump or delay, Anthony takes a call on his show on Thursday where the caller details and asks about the interesting assertions made on this very sub by one Mr. Danny Ross. Stick to the simple ones - even if not the most damning. Like under age girls driven to his house, Travis talking shit about Sam behind his back and now working for him, infidelity of KtC, not the ones that require some set up. Short questions, easy to understand, he can’t get out of it by pretending he heard something else. What look would he have on his face as the caller, within 15 seconds, rattles off three juicy ones uninterrupted? Or, B - The caller begins to ask and gets dropped immediately upon recognition of his direction, by Keith or someone else on staff, which turns out to be more embarrassing than just addressing the accusations. I think B, because it would show that he’s truly and utterly finished. Bonus question, who here is happy to believe everything Danny said? Who would prefer if there was another explanation because part of you still wants to like Anthony? I know a lot of you guys hate Danny, but why would he lie? What would he get out of it?


C: Writing all that bullshit

Yes, what would someone who is angry and bitter and friendless get from lying about one of those ex friends? Don't know much about human's propensity for being petty and vindictive, huh?

No, definitely understand it. I just think that someone who is lying merely to be vindictive and petty would come up with more satisfying lies. If these are lies, I would actually suspect they are more for attention. They seem like more the “oh really, tell me more!” type of lie.

You’re a fool to believe Danny. He has the personality of a six year old and will say anything for attention.

Also please break your posts into paragraphs; it’s hard to read otherwise.

Yeah, I need to figure that out. Thought I knew how to paragraph properly but clearly I’m a dumbass. And as for Danny I don’t know what to believe. Nothing he is saying is particularly unbelievable with everything else we now know. If he’s lying, he has severe mental issues.

Here, two rows of spaces is a paragraph break.


Now, how do I tweet you my phone number in a private DM? Do I put two periods after, or three?

I'll need you password first. Then you'll be able to.

Now I have lost track if I’m supposed to be Bobo or Lady Di.

