Good news, Porn whore on J&S Wednesday

49  2018-03-06 by Der-Giftpilz


What are chances she will talk about sucking cock and giggling about it? Fucking yuck

This is J&S. They’ll talk to her about fantasy football for an hour.

Like the show rules state Jimmy gets his porn whore, Sammykins gets his wrestler

Maybe there have been new advances in sucking cock that wasn't known at the how many fucking times this god awful boring cunt was on show before

She’s better than most whores on radio or podcasts, but Jesus, who’s doing her PR photography? This looks like a compound media promo for the Caitlin Jenner & Aaron Berg Show.

That is the same as saying one wrestler is better than the others on the radio

Porn has passed me by... I like hot sluts with makeup and teased hair. A blackie Step-dad fucking his teen daughter in a Laundry room or a middle aged stretch bitch fucking her pool boy isn't my thing. Lisa Ann started Porn in 1994.

She’s a trooper, no doubt. The fact that she started in ‘94 but peaked 14 years later playing a vice presidential candidate makes her far far more accomplished than Opie.

I’m with you on the new porn critique too. Maybe it’s because I don’t have a sister or step sister, but Jesus, the faux incest setup is so weird to me, and so prevalent.

Homemade amateur porn or nothing for me these days. Fuck fake-titted sluts--show me a 38-year old cock-hungry slut getting railed by a dude while her husband videotapes. Nothing better.

I hear that. It’s basically the dark ending of Boogie Nights too—that this whole industry, which really only existed as an industry for a few decades, has or will become irrelevant as the culture personalizes with technology and moves pornography back into the personal realm.

When any Joey Fuck can pick up a camera and record his girlfriend cumming for real, how could a professional industry counter that? I haven't watched professional porn in nearly 15 years because an amateur girl bringing herself to actual orgasm on camera is far more erotic and real than some fake-titted pro slamming her pussy against a Viagra cock for a half-hour before faking it. There are billions of women on the planet and almost all of them can fuck and be good on camera for free--how can pros compete? And I say good. Fake orgasms are insults; real orgasms are the best, and I'd rather they get my money per click than watch some crazy bitch whose father fucked the happy out of her at 8.

She couldn't do the voice of Palin. Some other porn chick did a better job.

I don’t know, her Palin videos are legendary, and she cleaned up at strip clubs appearing as her Palin character, and she’s talked about how it revitalized her career.

Her voice work wasn’t great, sure, but it’s porn, and I don’t know who the other chick you mentioned is, but I’d guess that, overall, she was a lesser Palin knock off. The “visual element” reigns.

Broken homes is the reason for all the incest, no one actually wants to fuck an immediate family member because of the Westermarck effect. But if you met someone with a similar personality to you that doesnt find you hideous and shares the same hobbies as you, of course you would want to fuck them. Or just some random woman that is forced to interact with you.

Porn peaked in the mid 1990s to early 2000s for sure. It really has been all downhill from there, with a few notable exceptions.

I hate porn chicks on the air, everyone does, but there's def way worse chicks than Lisa Ann. She's actually a half decent guest and can hold a conversation. (Im setting the bar extremely low here, just saying, in comparison)

She has a podcast on GaS now. Never listened (or plan to) to it.

Yeah, when she was on Legion of Skanks she made Dave Smith the hole, maybe a few times...

That's not saying much...

All I remember about her appearance on LoS is her talking about being in college and having a bong they named Kareem Abdul Ja-bong. She mentioned it at least three times hoping that eventually someone would laugh.

She's a woman in her 40s, of course she's capable of holding a conversation. Plus she's had a life outside of porn and school. The reason most whores are terrible is because they don't have any opinions or stories that aren't the same generic shit we all know, and they have gotten by on being whores so they don't need to know how to talk well.

Plus porn whores are oddly guarded, nothing about the interest personal life, if I was molested I would talk about it all the time

Thumbnail def looks like Bruce

She's lost weight and looks less good. Ass is way smaller. Bobjob of course gone.


But how's her vagene?

She’s fucking gross. Way too many cosmetic procedures.

That link just sends me to when I try going to it

Full video on every torrent site. It wasn't good. She looks so different and she's got some ring rust

Let's let her know how much we're looking forward to her appearance on twitter

Sam Roberts said she has a five head.

What! That’s like the mutant Neanderthal pot calling the spent diseased kettle black.

Another great opportunity for Jim to get confirmed how edgy he is. It's rough man.

Guys! She’s an Evil Angel! But she puts out, boys!!! Va-va-va-VOOM, right?!?!?!?

According to my friend, who watches pornographic movies, Evil Angel is the name of a pornography production studio.

Hey, they also make CD-ROMs and Betamax dubs, be fair.


It's amazing how she has one of the absolute best asses in porn and also one of the absolute worst pairs of tits.

Did Luis ever fuck this whore? I know he was trying.

Worse, he hired her on his network..

He fucked her professionally.

She was doing old milf porn in 2004.

Shes back? Yuck.

Wait. You mean to tell me that she gets nude and has intercourse on the Internet?! Like, you can really see boobies and cooters and stuff?


Can you GET pornography in the city?

Over/Under on the number of self-deprecating sexual performance jokes Jim makes while she's on (gay/trans jokes not included unless it's about poor sexual performance).

Line: 5 1/2

The line should be 40.

She’s very an exceedingly animated on-air presence thanks to a steady cocktail of cocaine and Adderall.

We're all gonna be fine when people who get fucked and take loads for a living have a Back4MoreTour

I can't wait to hear a porno chick, on the radio.

Jim will pretend to be attracted to this ugly hole?

Trying to make listening to that shitshow less gay by having porn holes in all the time isn't working.

I know everyone hates Opie and rightfully so but he was spot on about these porn bitches being boring radio and Jimmy being a worm.

He's not a terrible producer. He's just bad on mic, stumbles on words and is not funny

Stick a fork in her, not a dick

To be fair, they don't have that many pornstars on the show.

Doesn't make it okay, but still.

More than zero is too many.

i guess she couldn't get anymore exposure on Howard's show by pretending she would fuck JD Harmeyer so she has to go on J&S

I was wondering why she looks so haggard, and then remembered she gets her worn-out cunt and asshole cummed in for a living.

Jim & Sam is officially a worse show than Opie & Jim.

Opie had good points about letting him allowing in all those porn whores and then being angry about DL Hugely.

That was not an opening for you to come in here and give him credit, fuckwad.


Everyone should tweet Mary Jean about how great she is and how Jim and Sam say she's their favorite. It's time they apologize to show family member Mary Jean again.

Hope she comes in and leaves during my 15 minute meeting at 10 this morning.

They could’ve photoshopped that chin a little better, it’s giving Lauren a run for her money

I’ll make sure to not tune in ... I thought jimmy liked peckahs

Lisa Ann is back (and Bill Goldberg is waiting patiently to fuck her.)

God damn with the surgery and photoshop they worked her up so she looks like The Mask.

Oh man, the FCC is going to have a field day with this dangerous duo!

Well, we all know how fascinating whores are to listen to

She’s a trooper, no doubt. The fact that she started in ‘94 but peaked 14 years later playing a vice presidential candidate makes her far far more accomplished than Opie.

I’m with you on the new porn critique too. Maybe it’s because I don’t have a sister or step sister, but Jesus, the faux incest setup is so weird to me, and so prevalent.

Porn peaked in the mid 1990s to early 2000s for sure. It really has been all downhill from there, with a few notable exceptions.