What are youse guys plans to get a life?

6  2018-03-05 by throwawizzlemahnizzl

I thought I was past the point of getting a life since I tried all through my teenage years and failed and there comes a point where you're sick of trying y'know.

The running joke is everybody who posts here is a loser but how many of youse losers wanna better yourselves if youse knew how to? Pussy and money aside, how do youse guys see yourselves attaining a healthy constructive outlook on life and contributing to society in whichever way youse can?

Peckahsuckingly yours,

Francis Aggot


kill your dad and then marry your mom. Then make you suck my balls while your mom cooks us meat loaf

TBH I've been eating lots of vegetables every day and running also not smoking faggots and cutting down on drinking. Just those things have made me less paranoid and suicidal.

not smoking faggots

They must be disappointed.

Why the fuck would I want to contribute to society?

i’ve been laying face down in bed for the last hour, who cares anymore

I quit porn

same. shits not healthy

I am successful, but my outlook is shit.

Same, pal.

My hair is starting to thin out. I've always had great hair. And now I am legitimately considering buying this...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqTI3HPHT0Y&t=397s

The fuck did I just watch?

I'm about to get into the wig game.

Francis Aggot? Are you by any chance friends with Nigel Igger?

I'm taking my infant son to Wal-Mart to pick up a sound bar later

I pay taxes, almost no debt and I'm not out raping old ladies or robbing banks you're welcome

So you exist. That's nice.

I don't know, after a week of night-work i've been staying on my couch for two days. I know i have to get up early tomorrow but i still haven't turned the day over so i can't go to sleep.

Life fucking stinks at the moment. No woman, no friends, shitty work, shitty house, area filled with faggots, country going to hell.

Would you give a fuck about the country if you had a great job and lived with your great girlfriend in a great house visited by great friends?

Because i have a heart and care about my friends, families and relatives who is all part of the same people, living in the same country?

If I had the secret to getting a life, why would I be here?